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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Your wecome. Just kidding you dont understand how unbeliveably bored i am it is horrible.
  2. Yoshi1176

    Fall damage

    Why is it that master cheif can fall from space and live but if you fall ten feet you die?
  3. Yoshi1176


    Now i have the mantis muah ha ha ha
  4. Are you serious maybe all you complainers should go play a different game then, dont like it then dont play it but stop bring down everyone on the site.
  5. Settle down and by the way if any one is the 2009 kid its probably you.
  6. And who may i ask gave you the movie theater one?
  7. Nice lol i would die typing domething that long... i hate typing
  8. Sounds like fun my gamertag is Yoshi1176 I got screen shots in the Fileshare if you wanna use those... I also gave you your first like...
  9. If we all die because of the apocalypse do you think there will be halo in heaven?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ardent Prayer
    3. Spyro


      Heaven will be an aboslute paradise, so if you wish it to be there, I believe god will allow it to be there for your enjoyment.

    4. DoctorB77


      In heaven we get to play halo for real. No need for controllers.

  10. 1. Light house 2.towel 3.sponge 4.pmed Did i get it right?
  11. NO GO BACK TO SCOOL!!!! Just kidding welcome back.
  12. I get turduckin for dinner MMMMMMMM....

  13. I never really talked to you but welcome back
  14. Hope you like it here every ones real nice. well at least most people.
  15. Wrong towmorrow will be today towmorrow so towmorrow is today towmorrow...
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