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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. White chocolate is not actually chocolate.

  2. When is towmmorow? think very hard about this. Failed?
  3. I use the AR as my secondary and oi use it quite a bit.
  4. Yoshi1176


    Thanks they dont stand a chance...
  5. I wish a Mod could do something about all these depressing 343 haters, hint hint

    1. The Director

      The Director

      If they are breaking the rules, then we can. If not, then unfortunately they have every right to speak their minds as everyone else. If they do break the rules though, there's always the report feature. ;D

  6. Seerms like you and me are the only ones who care... its sad
  7. I wonder if a promethean is gunna talk in one that would be cool.
  8. Oh ya im special im number two... LOL congratz
  9. 3 year old brother beat first chapter of spartan ops on legendary LOL

  10. Is this anyones gamertag... elninolego

  11. Yoshi1176


    Does it have a weak spot like the other vehicals? I am being destroyed by these things right now
  12. I like it how it is its, i like all the guns actually.
  13. God brother is going out with my sister...

    1. a live dinosaur

      a live dinosaur

      Brother going out with sister? o_o

    2. Yoshi1176


      NO NO NO my god fathers son is going out with my sister lol that came out wrong

    3. a live dinosaur
  14. Ponie with a spartan laser Just kidding xbox live...
  15. I play halo when im not busy so ya add me my gamer tag is Yoshi1176
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