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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Lol you should have seen my brothers face when he saw this he was like "God no, there wrong."
  2. Why does it need to its awseome, and you only get a quick kill if the person your shooting lets you get close enough to them. Besides nthe person your shootingb at will most likely have a br or dmr so they have a better chance.
  3. I'll go ahead and give you your first like.
  4. Well i am a fan of Xplay and Attack of the show and i heard g4 is canceling them both. Is this true? Do you know why? If any one knows why please tell me. Thanks.
  5. Hope you like it, the place is pretty much a big family.
  6. Merry early christmas every one

  7. Exile like it better there are no mantis's which i hate.
  8. Lol im not any better i am forced to leave.
  9. Lol i agree i think an ecceptable rank would be 60-70 any higher you obiously dont leave the house.
  10. LOL i think the melee is strong enough already
  11. New A.I but it turns corrupt and then something bad happens and they have to go back to requim to get somethin involving cortana. I think that would be cool.
  12. So glad i am back with you guys it has been so long uhhh

  13. Hey guys i am back and never happier about it now that halo 4 is out. Missed you guys!
  14. All i can say is that i can only squeez in 5 minutes a week that is if i have straight As wich suck but anyway im gunna miss you guys maybe ill come back some day but for know by.
  15. You got more than me ): never mind i thought i had 15 lol
  16. My dad will not let me use the computer on school days so i sadly will be limited to my use of this sight.

  17. Dad said i cant use lap top or computer on week days so ill see you on week ends only unless i can sneak a little

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