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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I guess they want to make sure they don't pull a halo reach.
  2. I was going to write that but then i saw your post lol. It would honestly screw halo over. I dont what to see the cheifs face because everyone pictures him in a different way. Like in a book your reading you have the image of the character in your head then you go watch the movie based on the book and the character looks completely different.
  3. I did not care for duel weilding i used it in one game mode in halo 3. i did not use it at all in any other game so im not going to miss it. And halo reach was fine without deul weilding.
  4. I collect them and i have almost all of them but there are not enough i think 343i should make more for halo 4. what do you guys think?
  5. sorry about the lack of activity lately just been busy

  6. Whats on your mind hmmm...

  7. Just got skyrim any tips?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Twinreaper


      I got a tip, stop playing it!

    3. Yoshi1176
    4. The Director

      The Director

      Level up everything you use as quickly as you possibly can. Don't be afraid to grind. Also, if you're stuck, use the wiki/wikia. I wrote a good chunk of it myself. xD

  8. Going to the store today (hopefuly) to pay off halo 4 S E

  9. Ya not at all the only time i played as elites was in action sack in halo reach i hate playing as elites. But thats just my opinion
  10. You know its pretty scary you see the knight running at you but without the armor they are really quiet cuddly
  11. Oh ya i've also played the CoD series
  12. Watching the SF Giants game

  13. Ok so i dont play a lot of diferent video games pretty much left 4 dead,halo and minecraft are the only games i play. I WANT MORE so please tell me a good game you like. And thanks for the help!
  14. LOL thats all i have to say...
  15. Lost my halo reach cant find it...

    1. DaveAtStateFarm



  16. Well i have officially started my last year in middle school high school here i come

    1. Twinreaper


      You and my son both. Good luck bro!

    2. Yoshi1176


      Thanks your always really nice i thank you for that.

    3. Twinreaper
  17. Thanks guys for supporting me and forget about this topic i will be on like normal because of a schedual change at school so dont worry thanks
  18. Cool i will mostlikely be on line everyday due to a new schedual
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