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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. The cure to the spambot problem is a wall. Let's build a wall and make the spambots pay for it!

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      Make 343i.org great again.

  2. Since we are just starting off and we get random kills here we could all vote null. But hell I vote BATMAN for the luls
  3. No, you come back here and love me! You best take some Hot Forehead action for the road. Be back soon! Don't miss to much Halo 5!
  4. One of the more interesting intro's... Welcome to the forums! We may host a FFA event in the future so stay posted! And welcome to our forums!
  5. That's what I was saying! They aren't putting the crack there by accident. So my point stands, his helmet isn't cracked so this is either pre everything else we have seen or way after the Locke deal and the UNSC has fixed him up.
  6. AGAIN I'm just pointing things out. Not saying it's game changing but it's still worth pointing out. Understand now? Also there has been at least 3 trailers were he has had a cracked visor.
  7. Because he has a cracked visor now adays. Never said it was crazy strong, just said that whatever it was just leveled the city and could very well be a guardian. It wasn't a news program, it was directly from the UNSC. That's the thing though, Halo 5 happens more than in just October, Second, the thing I'm pointing out is his death date is the same release of the game. Okay, but what is that structure? Is it a weapon? Is it a base? This could be important to Halo 5. DRIZZY I NEED THAT IMMUNITY NOW
  8. So first thing that came to mind is just that ONI and the UNSC are trying to wrangle together some more troops. (Against insurrectionists maybe?) Just some things I noticed. 1. Chiefs helmet isn't cracked 2. ONI was recording the footage of a very fake looking chief being "killed" 3. That Guardian or whatever it was just took out an entire town 4. Chiefs reputation is still good, the people were sad he died so this is before Hunt the Truth??? Or at least after Ben is taken and people start liking chief again. 5. They are holding back the complete account on how he died, why? Because he didn't. 6. His "death date" is also the same date of the games release. 7.There is some sort of huge structure near a Halo ring, UNSC made as well.
  9. Yoshi1176

    Halo 5 snap

    From the album: ok

  10. Fishes Syrfaming tonight! In three hours the throwback games will begin!

    1. Fishy


      *Fishy's streaming tonight in! In 4 hours, the Throwback games will begin!

    2. Yoshi1176


      Thanks Fish lol, my phone isn't the best for typing.

    3. Yoshi1176


      Thanks Fish lol, my phone isn't the best for typing.

  11. We missed something that with hunt the truth out i think we will be able to understand the reference now. Just check out the video and you will see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg071CJawg8
  12. So I think we all missed something in the Halo 5 teaser video... Watch till the end and tell me what you think https://youtu.be/cg071CJawg8
  13. If you were Kim Jong Un what would you do if you if a year to do everything you wanted to do to Korea.
  14. No, you bring GuacaMOLE... I'm very disappointed.
  15. we are having a party in Chem tomorrow, what snack should I bring?
  16. What do you get when you bring a chemist to a fiesta? guacaMOLE!

  17. Locke has always rubbed me the wrong way, and that's without watching him hunt my hero. It's biased as all hell,but Chief is infinitely better than Locke! Great poll Caboose keep em up!
  18. HTA will be assembling tonight! Customs and multiplayer galore! See ya there!

  19. SD we came aboard together, but now your continuing your own adventure. It was fun being staff with you but I know you'll be just as great now as you were before. I know you made the decision best for you to further enjoy the site. Can't wait to see what you do next!
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