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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Eyebrows on fleek boi. Don't think this is over, I'll post another bathroom selfie.
  2. Yoshi1176


    From the album: Yoshi's things 2

  3. Playing PS2 with my cousins, oh the fun times

  4. Alrighty, I'll see you guys next week!

  5. You know exactly how I feel about this.
  6. Yoshi1176


    From the album: Yoshi's things 2

  7. I've been waiting months for this one. This one has been long overdue and I think its fitting to have Fishy MoM in the summer time. Enjoy your month Fish, you only get one
  8. Congrats to GSD for winning the 1v1!

  9. I come here because I feel welcome here, I feel I belong here, I don't feel like an outcast here. You all are here for a reason. Thank you guys for being so accepting.

  10. Im going on vacation on the 3rd for the week, expect minimal activity from me

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Have a good time mate!

  11. Im going on vacation on the 3rd for the week, expect minimal activity from me

  12. Day 343: Ny calendars still broken 343i please fix

  13. What is this? A play through of a horror game with Yashi. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OxoNqUKQDqg

  14. Don't forget! AOW will be holding the lobby for Promotion Commotion tomorrow!

  15. You seem to be mad at the fact that both of you died from a melee swing. Well sorry to say, stuff happens and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. In no way does your death mean the game is broken, you just died while attempting to charge an elite on LASO. Big surprise there. One of you lagged out of the match and that pulled the other one out, the game did not just disconnect both of you at the same time. Anyway we can help you here by explaining how to better attempt LASO and so on, but unfortunately we are not the real 343i, we are a fan forum. To talk directly to 343i you need to go to Waypoint were they will promptly refuse to give you a refund. Your welcome to stay! Any questions just ask!
  16. I'll be streaming Outlast tonight :3

  17. I'll be streaming Outlast tonight :3

  18. This is my resignation, since apparently Top 10 is run by Fishy and EK I am no longer needed. Goodbye forums.
  19. I smells some editing Fishy.
  20. Yoshi1176

    staff chat

    From the album: Yoshi's things 2

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