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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Can't make the tourney this Saturday? Sign up for the losers bracket next saturday!http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/41042-yoshi-and-fishys-tourney/

  2. My job is to make sure you don't buy a bad game. I deliver nothing but the truth!
  3. Late Reviews with Yoshi Volume 6: Space Invaders As the title suggests I will be reviewing Space Invaders. This weeks game was actually suggested by our MoM Yang! I will be grading this game on a few subjects, each subject is graded out of ten, the best score is 10/10. Space invaders is a game about, well invaders... from space. You play as a "spaceship" and shoot aliens before they shoot you. Story: 3/10 The story is simple, shoot aliens before they get you, that is the whole story. Similar to how Destiny is just about shooting aliens before they shoot you. Some Destiny fans may say "You can get the lore from the Grimoire" Well here is my opinion on that, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO COLLECT TRADING CARDS TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. Now some people would think well at least Destiny has a story however hidden it may be. Well I have something for you Space Invaders has a better story because while the story is completely lacking the developers don't make you collect a pitiful excuse of a card to read "The aliens attacked Earth". Before I go into the rest of Destiny's short comings let me move on with the review as this is about Space Invaders not that crap pile of a game that Bingie Studios released. Replay Value: 10/10 This game was fun to play back in the day, and it's fun to play now. Unlike Destiny which lost it's replay value after the tutorial mission. You see people waling around with Space Invaders shirts all the time, you see collectibles of Space Invaders all the time to. It is obvious it is as much of a hit now as it was in it's heyday. This game gets 10/10 because it is a classic. Characters: 1/10 Well the characters are just a few pixilated aliens but even so they are memorable. Everyone knows what they are looking at when they see a image of one of the alien in the world, it is a classic looking character/enemy. While normally this would get 0/10 I was reminded that there are much worse games out in the world. Destiny for example has a ton of different aliens but they are stupid, oh look its a game on next gen consoles and they are still using floating eyeballs and witched and goblins. Come on... It's just embarrassing. Graphics: 4/10 Well for when it came out it was fine, so it got most of it's points there. It did get an extra point for not having to wait for the games textures to come through. You'll be running around in Destiny and have to wait five minutes for all the textures to load. Get a grip Bingie, you should have textures working properly... Despicable Combat: 10/10 The combat in this game is amazing, you have the ability to move left and right! You can also shoot in a straight line and kill enemies. Don't forget the destructible environments! You can hide behind cover but if you shoot it you damage it! BattleField's environments are no match for Space Invaders! Space Invaders scores 25/50! Pre-order this game its great! The game launches June 1978!
  4. I don't want to go to Football practice today so I'm "Going to the Dentist". I feel guilty not because I'm not going but because I'm leaving my friend with the coaches XD

  5. It seems that I have accidentally bought to many copies of Halo 5. What will I ever do?

  6. Destiny? Really? Have I fought you nothing through the whole time we have been friends?!
  7. These aren't in any particular order, i think these are all great games. 1. Jak II: this game is a very simple game but I played it with my cousins who shared the same passion for games that I have. Although we never actually did a any missions because we were to busy killing the funny looking alien civilians. 2. Halo 3: my first game that I ever played on Xbox. All I did was forge on sandbox because I only played with my cousins at the time. All we did was spawn vehicles and run around blasting each other with hornets and scorpions. Little did I know that would lead me to were I am today. 3: Some metro if game: I don't know which one it is, he'll I didn't know it was a metro if game until last week when Fishy told me. I remember playing as robots while rolling around as a ball. It was so memorable because I was just so glad to be playing with my cousins, I can't even tell you how many hours laughing were spent there. As you can see most of these are related to my cousins, they were the ones that showed me video games. I'll add more later.
  8. I'm tired of seeing the new members fight with the older members, lets take this to the streets.

  9. So I'm walking around naked in ESO and some guy offers to help me. So he gives me 1000 gold, a werewolf bite and invites me to the Xbox preview program! What a lucky day and what a nice guy!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Woot, more people playing TESO!

    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      You know when I started playing Eso I joined a guys guild and he gave me enough to buy a horse.....



    4. Drizzy_Dan


      You guys gotta all get together and stream

  10. @Fishy, , , , @Cooliest, , @Archangel Tyrael, GSD, @Senguie, , and UNSC Spartan, and @XxDragonOrbxX. These people all need their awards for the "Get a Clue" Event. And slik and I
  11. I was actually planning on doing it last night, forgot to get the list so it'll be tonight. I'm trying my hardest
  12. *spends ten minutes pretending to faint in ESO*

    1. The Director

      The Director

      *spends 1 hour doing the redguard dance without armor on*

      Get on my level.

    2. Spyro


      *spends a day playing the lute in front of a boss spawn while others kill the boss*

  13. Halo Team Assemble will be assembling some time tonight!

  14. *weight didn't kill him. I was getting at the fact that brutes are heavy and if one landed on him like it did I'm surprised that didn't kill him
  15. All they are trying to say is that a lot of the problems are getting fixed. I have played with randoms were the host would quit, we still kept playing though. I've gotten black screened for the reason you said maybe twice, the rest are other issues. So either you are just very unlucky OR you are taking it way out of proportion of how many times it happened. You said that you destroyed them so they quit. If you really "destroyed"? them who cares about the rank? If your good you are good right? Ranks reset anyways so whats the big deal? Ranks in MCC are a joke as long as your team wins you go up in rank lol. I'd understand getting upset about rank in Halo 5 or 4 but when its just ranked playlists who cares?
  16. Someone got smashed... I'm surprised that the brutes wait didn't kill him lol
  17. I'll add this to the calendar for ya tonight And I do plan on attending.
  18. Edward Kenway HATES MASTER CHIEF

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