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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Those look good! Even though I despise anime haha. keep it up dude you can see the improvement between just the two you posted.
  2. I propose a motion to ban The Director.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I'll concede so long as you go with him

  3. I agree with you that they should play a larger role, but how much is a question because besides cut scenes, combat with them isn't really fun. They wouldn't do an escort mission either because that'd just be ripped from ODST. Additionally, I don't think 343 will go that route, it just makes to much sense for 343 to do it.
  4. A Spartan Company is a group system 343i has implemented into Halo 5 and Waypoint that tracks stats and commendations. Ultimately its a clan system that rewards players that play together through a mix of small requisition packs and exclusive armor. It's non essential to gameplay, and to be completely honest the way it was implemented tainted the multiplayer system in regards to Warzone. It encouraged farming of kills rather than playing the objective so for a few months the playlist was very toxic.
  5. Merry Christmas

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom



    2. Unease Peanut
    3. Maestro
  6. So edgy. Didn't know British people could be so... uncivilized Here is me, 70 pounds lighter than my last picture
  7. Yoshi1176

    IMG 3330

    From the album: Azaxx is my BFFL

  8. We have a pizza award already, does this mean we get a BURNT pizza award now?
  9. *Edit* I misunderstood the question, I don't have an answer but I can find someone who may. Cheers
  10. It's October y'all... get your spooky usernames out!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Midnuette sounds way scarier than Midnight

    3. Fishy


      How about I start posting spider pics?

    4. Yoshi1176


      I will report you

  11. Hope y'all are enjoying the Discord!

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      It's very good squatting ground

  12. Big thanks to everyone that joined the server, and especially those who attended the launch event. Glad to see y'all still participating!
  13. My geography is superior to yours, do not do what you intend to do

    1. Wam



  14. Its time to be spooky

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      It's not a jump scare if you know it's coming... so the spooks will come regardless of us thinking it's time to be spooky

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