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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Hope everyone has and had a great Fourth of July!

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      The local comic store here had a really large sale :D It was great.

  2. Thanks to all who came to the Clue event! Awards will be handed out soon.

  3. The event has been pushed back an hour. 4:00 EST

  4. Honestly I just want some infection. Besides that I'm good with what we have, maybe swap out snipers for action sack. And combine action scam with infection.
  5. Attention: anyone who has clips of Halo Team Assemble ease send them to me. I am putting together a project and would like to feature any footage from HTA.

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      I'll try and get that double kill I got against GSD and Twam...The one where they flew off the map and gave me the kill xD

  6. Three events, two days. Check the calendar for info!

  7. We do set up customs lobby's on almost a daily basis called Halo Team Assemble. If your interested just keep an eye on the shoutbox because that is were it is announced.
  8. I'd just like to say again how much you deserve Pink this month, there have been a few members who have deserved it for a while, it's nice to see them finally getting what they earned. It's a spicy meat-a-ball!
  9. Congrats Yang! Just last night I was reading my MoM post for the hell of it. And I found myself wondering when you were going to be MoM. It's about time and you deserve it! Enjoy your month in Pink!
  10. Not sure if I can make this event, but I will add this to the calendar for you
  11. Halo Team Assemble has been canceled for the night, enjoy your night see ya tomorrow!

    1. Fishy


      HTA is not "cancelled" it's just there is not going to be one tonight. So for those who were looking forward to it, you have our clarification stating we won't be having it. Simply put. Thank you all!

    2. Yoshi1176


      *Cancels HTA for tonight* It says it on the calendar!

    3. Halo6 Follower
  12. I think everyone here cooks food XD. You'd go broke if you ate out every day
  13. I firmly believe it is a crime that the Australians have to fly to the united states to enjoy their food like grandma use to make because Outback Steakhouse is not in Australia. Please sign this Petition to send it back to it's home! I asked Lewis (An Australian) If he liked Outback. This was his response... "Whats an Outback" Sad isn't it? Act today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft9qJ9NteQI
  14. Sign up for this exciting community event! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/40893-get-a-clue/

    1. Delpen9


      Saying exciting doesn't make it more exciting.

    2. Yoshi1176


      Thats what it said in the event staff training manual.

    3. Delpen9


      Men don't read manuals.

  15. You know how I feel because you have experienced me yelling at you when you make stupid decisions. Always remember, no matter how hard the real world may be, you have family that cares for you here. Congrats on three years bud, you've come a long way!
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