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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Be sure to sign up for US vs the world if you wanna see some butt kicked. I'm looking at you Netherlands...

  2. Your signature scares me and I love your profile. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

    1. Yoshi1176


      #weshouldplayhalo #instagramfamous #yoshi #conan

    2. Wam


      Thanks. :) I'll keep the signatures coming. #Wereallyshould #GetTheGangBackTogether #Oink

  3. Late Reviews With Yoshi: Volume 5 Final Fantasy XIII I have chosen to continue my in depth and very accurate reviews because a very dedicated member of the late reviews fan club by the name of Yoshifan99 has begged for the continuation of the series. Like I said I will be reviewing Final Fantasy XIII, while I do not necessarily like the game series I will, like always give an unbiased opinion on the game. I will grade this game out of 50 points 10 points for each important section of the game. Final fantasy is a game about nothing, you Final Fantasy fans can tell me all about how good the lore and story and atmosphere is, but lets get down to business, you run around a world killing weak enemies just to fight a boss, you then get to use some shiny weapons new cloths and find a few allies. At some point in the franchise Mickey Mouse and his gang ended up in the story and nothing really happened. All you need to know about this game is that you run around and open world fight bad guys and follow a pretty simple story line which makes you complete simple quests. Combat: 2/10 The combat sucks in this game, it works like it does in Pokemon, the screen flashes and then you are in a battle were you pick moves for your Anime like hero to use. Don't get me wrong Pokemon is a great game but for Christs sake, in that game you are ordering around a yellow squirrel not a person. I expected more from a game who had 13 games at the time. The enemies are pathetic until you get to the boss but 90% you kill it within five minutes. Environment: 7/10 The environment is alright, Sometimes you find a tree or a rock and it looks very pretty. MAYBE IF THEY PUT EFFORT INTO THE GAME INSTEAD OF A ROCK YOU'D HAVE A GOOD GAME. This reminds me of a game that was released not to long ago. The world is very pretty to look at but the game is just atrocious. Yep I'm talking about Destiny a game based on getting new armor. Hell Final Fantasy 13 is better than Destiny. They did score high in this category because it is pretty and very large worlds, the game itself lacks in the fact that besides seeing what goes through some mid-aged Japanese dudes mind nothing really happens. Characters: Racist/10 The main hero is just a common man or woman that turns out to be a hero, the real twist comes into the allies and NPC's. The only black guy in this game has an afro. I think that's just a little messed up because why can't he have a normal haircut why does it have to be stereotypical? The enemies just look like skeletons and robots, same thing as any other game. The characters look as if they were created in the mind of a three year old on acid. #notimpressed Fans: 10/10 While I don't know what is mentally wrong with the fans behind Final Fantasy they are persistent, I find people dressing up as the characters in that game all the time and people actually have forums dedicated to game. Can you believe that? Like I said they aren't very smart but there are a lot of them. Story/Quests: 3/10 If you are a smart person you have played Skyrim. You go on quests to find the farmers ring that he lost in the dragons lair. Well the story is sort of like that, you have a billion side quests that take a few minutes to complete to distract you from the fact that the main story sucks, the side quests are more rewarding simply because you know there is an end and a solution unlike in Final Fantasy were there are 65 games were you have to solve similar issues. How long does it take to solve an issue for gods sake? Final Fantasy XIII scored 22/50 + one racism point which takes the final score down to 20. The really is something awful. The only good thing is the way the game looks, the fans are numerous but just weird to say the least. The game is racist and sexist because I am sure there is something in there that will **** them feminists off (They are always complaining) If you do decide to get this game don't do the quests or story. Just look at the world, and maybe troll some fansites. Final Fantay XIII will release December 17th 2009, so place your orders now! Here's the guy that made this game: Markus Persson
  4. Being upfront is perfectly fine, it's more when it gets aggressive and put downs are used. The reason that is bad is because it makes the environment tense and uncomfortable for others, especially the newer members which we don't want to scare away for obvious reasons. What I mean by matches the criteria is that that person more or less is a friendly easy to talk to person that follows the rules to a certain degree. Someone that has been in trouble multiple times and has a reputation for making things uncomfortable for other people, or making posts that don't help the forum at all are all examples of what doesn't generally meet the "criteria". Obviously staff isn't made of angels. But no one on staff goes to the extremes like some other members. I'm not talking about you either if thats what you think, I was just explaining a little more to Caboose. Because The Directors post did read like Caboose said, although I am almost positive TD wan't being literal.
  5. What he is saying Caboose is that there are members that do less than acceptable things that keep them from getting staff and other positions. Maybe not to the extreme of them being leeches of the community but they simply take one step forward and two steps back. That's not saying staff is innocent either, I don't think there is one staff member that hasn't gotten in trouble or at least get scolded for something prior to them being staff or even while they were staff. That being said there are members that do a lot of things that aren't what is expected out of a "good" member. I put the good in quotations because the definition of good varies from person to person. Some people are to upfront about there problems and seem to aggressive, others continually push the boundaries with community mods (we all do ) The point is, a handful of people on site aren't "bad" but don't match the criteria of what a model member is.
  6. Y'all need Conan

    1. Akali


      We really need a Conan

    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      The Barbarian? ;P

    3. Yoshi1176



  7. You say that you played CE in it's original graphics so you can actually see in the dark. The new graphics actually brighten up the room and male it easier to see in, so I don't know what you are talking about. Alot of your problems aren't really problems as much as you just being excuse my french, butthurt. Unless you are in Australia the game works fine.
  8. I saw this on Facebook this morning. I was taken off guard by it and still have an odd feeling about this picture. I don't know what it is about this picture.
  9. Great post Glitter! You were a great MoM almost as great as my month (almost) . Can't wait to see what you have in store for us. We've been here for years you are just starting. Make us proud!
  10. Welcome back! You are always welcome here! Hope to see you around
  11. The two you are referring to don't appear in the shoutbox often but have good attitudes and have participated in the weekend customs lobby's that are now becoming popular. For this we reward them for their efforts and to push them to improve to return to the list next month.
  12. Top Ten June 2015 Top Ten is a list that is meant to encourage you guys to keep the forum moving forward, not only that, it is a way to reward you for keeping the forum moving forward. Because lets not kid ourselves the heart of the forum isn't with the staff it's with the members. Every month Hayley Kenway, Fishy and Myself decide on who to put on the list, some decisions are easy some are rather difficult and we fight tooth and nail over them in our chat. Nonetheless we always come out with a list that represents the soul of the community. This month was no different than the others, it was hard to decide who deserved it and who didn't some came very close to making it on the list. This list is in no particular order, now please put your hands together for this months Top Ten! rrhuntington DHG Incursio Archangel Tyrael Halo5 Follower Pengu Winry Rockbell Axilus Prime Frankenzer Spyro Sniper0092 Honorable mentions: Metalzone If you complain about not being on the list you will be barred from the list next month. This also goes for complaints about MoM. And suggestions can be kept to yourselves , we encourage you to get on this list next month!
  13. If you like BTB I would imagine you would like Warzone, although it is on a much larger scale it is still largely based on vehicles and power weapons like BTB. I think the reason they aren't adding BTB is simply because it would take up room that isn't necessarily needed. Sort of like having Capture the flag as a playlist when you have objective playlist. They are sort of the same thing. So really no point in having both.
  14. Looks nice, I host customs sometimes so I may have to download this.
  15. I actually can't get you a link since I'm on a phone at the moment but if you search for the signature shop the site will pull it up for you.
  16. Your daily serving of Yoshi returns tomorrow!

  17. We also have art department which features art done on the computer if you want to check that out.
  18. I don't know my log in info. I tried calling Xbox support but they told me to come here.
  19. What are the words Im looking for to explain my feelings?

  20. If I can attend I'll follow the righteous path of the covenant. Update: Found out on the first that I'm going to be out on the third. Family is off for the holiday and they decided to do something, I unfortunately will now be unable to attend.
  21. This Tuesday Halo team assemble will be running all day! Yep you heard it from me al day!

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