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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. We have a chance to take out a Mafian! Vote PB
  2. I voted for Fishy because I belive that is right. Good luck to everyone.
  3. Absolutely not. It works with Starwars and Legos because there is room for humor. Not so much in Halo. Plus the backlash from the community would be devastating.
  4. Hit the big 100 today. Love ya guys.

    1. Wam


      Happy Birthday!

  5. Yoshi1176


    From the album: Azaxx is my BFFL

  6. My vote goes from null to Ash. Nobody accuses my Fishy!
  7. It was PB but nobody wanted to listen last round SMH
  8. I read this way to late but Jesus Christ Fishy! Warlord being destroyed is no joke lol.
  9. Yay I get to tear out carpets and tile today... good thing I don't want to play xbox :(

  10. Don't worry about it. It still looks great.
  11. Could you fix the H on Yoshi? it seems to not connect Pls and thanks.
  12. Presidential Update Greetings, ladies, gentlemen, Azaxx. The time has come to vote for a new president, and as sad as you all are to lose the greatest president that has been in the USF there is hope yet. The hope is in Fishy. What experience does Fishy have you ask? 1. Past USF Congressman 2. Previous Cabinet member 3. USF General 4. Great community member 5. Hosts numerous Playdates Fishy is a loyal supporter of members across the forum including myself, he exhibits this loyalty every day with his constant help and ideas that bring members together. Vote for Fishy to keep the community together with Playdates, Leadership, and Loyalty. This is President Yoshi1176, God bless the USF!
  13. Just a heads up to those of you who play Xbox with me: I will be on for very little time (if any) this weekend as it is the weekend before finals. Summer starts after that so im all yours after next week.

  14. I can't help but notice how great Fishy would be as my successor.

  15. I'm almost positive it's PB. Fr my experience in Mafia and Trouble in Terrorist Town PB is the only candidate.
  16. Can I be a Conan Destruct?

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Yaes. Approach Farmer Destruct, and request for an image if you dare.

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