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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Put me down! God I can't wait to play classic version. Stuff isn't so complicated XD
  2. Two months till my three year anniversary on site!

    1. Fishy


      1 month until my 4 year. :3

    2. Maestro


      11 months until my 3rd joinday ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    3. Church


      Oh deeer it is that time again

  3. Please be sure to make meaningful posts! Short posts about nothing get the place cluttered really fast. Thanks! See ya around!

    1. HSN6592


      Ok sorry I'm new to this and I get curious

    2. HSN6592


      Thanks for taking the time To tell me

    3. Yoshi1176


      It's completely understandable! Every one did it when they were new. Just wanted to help you out.

  4. Yoshi1176

    help pls

    Well, the optiona here are pretty simple. Mute them. Now you can't hear them. Or if it's really offensive report them, but muting them would be the best option.
  5. I wish I could press that like button more! Wow... Great job Fishy.
  6. Were did my sniper rifle go? WERE DID IT GOOOOO! Did you take my sniper rifle? Let me smell your breath!... Oh you sniper rifle stealing son of a *****.
  7. Late Reviews With Yoshi Volume 4: Combat Evolved I'm going to review Combat Evolved. The first Halo, something that has grown from complete and udder crap, to wonderful mouthwatering goodness. The udder crap is Combat Evolved's multiplayer, and that's what I will be reviewing. I will be grading important aspects of the game out of 10. 10/10 being the best. Population: 0/10 I honestly don't know the population. Anyone who plays Combat Evolved on a dedicated playlist for that game is less than human. People who purposely play this game are giant piles of crap. The population is maybe five players and that's just when they are forced to play it. Gameplay: 0/10 The gameplay sucks. Your magnum functions as a power weapon because of how flipping powerful it is. Lets not forget it works better than the sniper rifle for long range kills. The grenades are mini nukes, god damn are they powerful. There is no sprint or ordinance so the game is almost unplayable. Lets not forget that if you touch the bumper of a stationary vehicle that is unmanned and no one is around you still die. Online Interactions: 0/10 No one uses their mic so there is absolutely no help when going for the objective. But lets not kid ourselves. No one goes for the objective in this game, because people just betray each other over and over and over again. Teamwork only happens when people decide to help betray the same guy, and the enemy team is usually just as busy killing their own teammates. You holding that sniper rifle? Well if our friend, we'll call him John wants it he will take it. John will sneak his backstabbing butt right behind you and than WAPOW you are dead and John is running around betraying more teammates with it. Graphics: 0/10 They are horrible. I don't care if these graphics were good for the time. I hate Combat Evolved so it gets a 0. Not being awful and making me throw up in my mouth: 0/10 You suck combat evolved. Combat evolved scores: Destiny/50 If you choose to want to dig your eyes out with rusty spoon pick this game up. Release date is November 15th 2001 I Hate You
  8. This one was not a surprise. There are a few members here that I know are going to get it and you were one of them. Congrats buddy! Enjoy your month in Pink!
  9. Party, Homework and than Videogames. Those are my plans for the day.

  10. You guys messed up big.

  11. A very special edition of Late Reviews with Yoshi will release at it's scheduled time. I hope your ready to play some team betrayal!

  12. When Edward and I took over the list, shoutbox activity was not counted as something that could get you on the list. Posting was really the main thing that got you on the list but we decided to add people that make good strides to get involved with other members and make the site fun. The shoutbox is were that all happened, and while others may think differently, the top 10 crew's view and decision is that the shoutbox is an important thing to incorporate into the list. People that make good posts also get in but that is often not enough with all the competition with other members. We want members who post, have a great attitude and are friendly.
  13. So Invasion is definitely not happening in Halo 5

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sikslik7


      Invasion was confirmed not to be in the game, but so was Territories. In the Beta, Strongholds was basically territories

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Caboose, you literally hop from one side of the coin to the other due to either "inconveniences", or "good news".

    4. Yoshi1176


      The IGN guy did mention a larger gametype but we won't know what that is for a while.

  14. Good day of Videogames with my friends. Almost got to play with my Cousin but he got on right when I was getting off.

  15. I miss playing Halo :/ we gotta play this weekend.

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      I haven't been on in so long because of work. Let's start by playing tonight Yashi

  16. Top 15 Update The Top 15 was conceived at a time when the forums were much more active due to Halo 4's release, with the idea that it would represent about the best 10% or so of active members each month. Due to the fact that the site has not had as large of a population as it did when the list first started, in order to maintain roughly that percentage, and to insure the meaning of the list is kept, the number of members on this list will lowered from 15 to 10. The list will now feature the top ten members and occasionally an honorable mentions section. This update will come onto effect starting with May's list. All other aspects of the list will remain the same, including the awards, release dates. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask below. The top 15 list is a very important part of the site to many of us and we love the constant support you show to the list every month. Thank You.
  17. Would you like soup or salad? Yes I'll have the super salad.

  18. We see you in the shoutbox getting into conversations with many members. Posts aren't what make someone a good member.
  19. When are we going see another of the Youtube wrapups?

  20. Time to pre order that Collectors edition

  21. Time to pre order that Collectors edition

  22. That PM is purely business and 100% professional. XD
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