Welcome! This week on late reviews with Yoshi I will be reviewing a game that many of you have been asking me to review, Halo 3!
I will review a few topics about the game and rate them out of 10, 10/10 being the best.
Gameplay: 10/10
The gameplay is outstanding, we have opportunities to kill and forge with our friends in a plethora of maps and gametypes.
Did I mention Forge?! It's this new gamemode were you can make maps by placing weapons, building structures, and vehicles in order to make odd maps and custom games.
Online gameplay is awesome because you can play slayer or you can hop onto an objective playlist and capture the flag if your into that sorta stuff.
Population: 2/10
There's like 5 people still playing Halo 3 on 360 so ehh.
Bugs: 343/10
There are quite a few bugs and glitches, but the game is still playable, look past the bugs and enjoy the game. It's not anything game breaking.
Graphics: 5/10
Well the games graphics are lacking compared to Halo 4 and those games so it scores low because of this. Come on the Halo 5 beta's graphics looked better than this. Pfft
Campaign: 10/10
The campaign features a metal robot with some blue babe running around central asia fighting some aliens. The lead aliens are the gorillas and the little tiny guys are some sort of gopher creature made at the world because they are ugly. They have some bird sniper guys as well but no one pays attention to them. The campaign does not follow any real story line as there is no real objective. In most games you are saving a planet or fighting off alien invaders, nope not in this game. While the missions lack real objectives you get distracted by the fact that you have to find some poor ******** skull on every level so you can get a light saber on your back in multiplayer which will not be seen by the five people.
Thanks for reading the review hoped you enjoyed it! I really recommend picking up the game. The release date is Fall 2007 so place your orders!