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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I was oy about to play my Xbox One for a hour this past weekend. Oh the sadness...

  2. Watch me break dying light!

    1. Yoshi1176


      My talking on there wasn't that great, one I was nervous, two I wasn't sure if I did it right lol

    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      I've had the same thing happening on different locations. Getinng stuck in balconies, concrete walls, etc.

  3. Releasing my first YouTube video tonight. It features me breaking dying light! It is very short, and very awkward as I haven't done this before. But doesn't mean you shouldn't watch it!

    1. Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Oh I am going to watch it!

  4. Admit it

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      I just saw these today and I have no idea what they mean.

  5. Jetpacks were always in my class on Halo 4. While I do love them, as Peanut stated, with the new clambering abilities jet packs are useless. There would be no point to have two abilities which allow you to get to higher ledges.
  6. When you name your future child after me, will you tell it who it was named after?
  7. I'm alive still. Haven't paid much attention to the game. That's whybim surprised I'm not dead XD
  8. remember to check out the congress's poll

  9. Yes I see.... interesting.
  10. Well you can still answer, which one would make you want to join/ which one do you think would be more fun?
  11. New poll is up in congress! Be sure to check it out! Link is in the shoutbox.

  12. New poll is up! This poll is intended to show us which types of events are more popular so we may make more of those while getting more people involved.
  13. Late night with Yoshi: episode 1, the homework continues...

    1. Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      ...and there will be pie...

  14. Congress will be getting a new poll this weekend! It is long overdue but I have been busy.

  15. I'm not going to worry about the plethora of grammatical and spelling errors here. Sucks that your friend can not watch the terminals, but sadly 343 isn't going to put make another disc just so people can watch terminals. While they ae awesome to watch, not enough people watch them to demand them making another disc. For the plasma pistol and magnum thing, which game are you talking about? And please watch the language, thank you.
  16. Outta the house this weekend. Won't be on Xbox One but will be on 360

  17. Watch out for plagiarism! If it's here anyone can take it.
  18. I have been assaulted

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Is this a legal matter or are you making a joke?

    3. Yoshi1176


      A spambot attacked me in cold blood.

    4. joshyzburton


      That goes against the three laws of robotics...

  19. Glad to have you here! I'm sure you will find a place here, we have tons of events, and fun discussions! Hope to see you around!
  20. Okay maybe tomorrow

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