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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Why don't seagulls fly over the bay?

  2. Not the BJ I was looking for. Great interview guys. I usually stay here so I mostly see y'all on Xbox. Never had a bad time with people from archive. Well actually there was this one time... But I can stop.
  3. Maestro, posting in that thread doesn't work. I'll post where I want.

  4. I need my beat a mod award. Here is Church's burnt pizza as proof that he was defeated. http://i.imgur.com/QAIXXHG.jpg

  5. You say tomato I say lawsuit.

  6. I love me some Zandril, although usually I find myself watching from the sidelines. Great interview you two. Glad you are here Zanny, and keep up the great work Drizzy!
  7. How can you sleep at night knowing that the Irish may invade your lovely state at any moment for the sweet sweet reward which is a potato?
  8. Instinct because it's better that the fire chicken and the blue balls
  9. Until the BTB competition, I hadn't really heard of this site besides a couple random mentions once in a while. Although this place sure gets a lot of attention now because of the tournament. It was actually mentioned in Podtacular's recent podcast. It seems like this site is better for game invites then some, though I feel it may not be so good in the way of actual discussion of other topics. But that's fine, we only need one good community forum
  10. USA all the way! Going to take home some more gold this year!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Delpen9


      Womens' soccer and volleyball, here I come!

    3. Yoshi1176


      Beach volleyball already started, but we have some more matches, soccer isn't as fun to watch.

    4. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Hell yea... unfortunately we suck *** at soccer

  11. *cries* @@Drizzy_Dan we have to play this before I go back to school. This is my dying wish.
  12. What happens when you are assigned summer homework? You miss all of the wasp sex with Zandril and friends.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Delpen9


      I'm an astute admirer of pollination.

    3. Yoshi1176


      This isn't summer school this is just normal school being an ***

    4. Wam


      I don't even want to know the context

  13. Now I don't know much about forging or testing or anything really, but every single map you've posted here has been ridiculously fun. This one is probably my favorite right now because it's so... IT HAS A GIANT WHALE. Glad to keep seeing your content come on site it's really cool.
  14. To those who participated in the HTA summer streams, thank you for joining it was fun!

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