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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. You have it set to congressmen get priority. You need to make it open and let anyone who wants to join signup.
  2. We will hold two lobbies so that we can fit non congress members if they want to join. What's a congress without it's people? We will hold two lobbies so that we can fit non congress members if they want to join. What's a congress without it's people?
  3. Thats sounds awesome. The name itself just sounds really cool. I would love to see it be usable in game, but even if it isn't I feel like it will still play a large role somehow. We got to ride in a Saber in Reach and a Pelican in Halo 4 why not something cooler in Halo 5?
  4. After a bunch of unneeded obstacles the new poll is up. And it actually works!

    1. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      Glad things are running smoothly.

  5. I was thinking about doing that, but I figured later on we won't be able to do that because there is a cap I think. I'll check. again to see if there is a cap. After checking it, it only allows me to make one more question. Do you think it'll be better to have it solely discussion? And I can just post a poll manually and edit it as people post their votes? Edit: I found a way to do the polls, ill just have to delete the old polls. I'll have the new one up tomorrow, and I'm also going to start putting poll results in the OP. Good call Fishy!
  6. New poll is up! Make sure to delete your vote from last poll and make your new vote!
  7. New poll is up in Congress! Delete your old vote and vote for the new poll!

    1. Fishy


      Definition of false hope.

  8. I think I may start the new poll for congress a bit early this week. Keep an eye out congressman. It happens tonight

  9. Why is it so hard to find someone to play MCC with.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azaxx


      because it doesn't work

    3. rrhuntington


      ^It was just a matter of time.

    4. Is not JL

      Is not JL



      GT: JL1223 X


      i play mcc add me pls thx


  10. No I meant Phantom, Lich works to though.
  11. I've been saying for years that I want to see more UNSC aerial vehicles in game. Halo 4 gave us the opportunity to fly a Pelican, maybe now we can have huge battles, Vultures vs Phantoms. A big team battle of that scale would be glorious.
  12. So my track and field coach is a giant video game nerd! I love being able to workout and discuss Halo!

  13. Remember to post your thoughts in the Congress thread. Congress can't get better if you don't answer this weeks question. http://www.343industries.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=39601

  14. Update: As my cabinet Fishy and Vitamin PWN carry a lot of responsibility. That being said, you may often find yourself needing their advice or help or just an opinion. If you need to contact them do not hesitate to PM them. You may also post here but a PM will reduce clutter on this thread and allow for easier navigation and reading during live polls. I am asking that all congress discussions be kept here, rather than other threads to avoid cluttering the rest of the forums. The War thread is an exception because it is were we will run some game nights.
  15. I pointed out that ship, I am really puzzled by it, because I do not see a cockpit. And I can't imagine it boards like a Banshee just because of it's size. It most likely is Promethean because they can teleport and do that stuff, maybe it's piloted by watchers? They could sit in it like they sit in Knights?
  16. This is some true initiative! A congress playdate would be fun, we should organize one. Any extra room in the lobby would be open to citizens of the forum.
  17. With Halo 5 in everyone's minds some images have been popping up around the web, some of Mega Bloks, some of dart guns. All of them have sparked my interest and started some interesting discussions. Below is my analysis of the Mega Bloks images that have appeared. Credit to Self Destruct for finding the image Discuss and tell me what you think below!
  18. Since we have no MP's at the moment, I have decided to pardon Caboose and his irrational behavior. But let it be known, the USF will not tolerate anything of that caliber again.

    1. Akali


      Arrest the criminal scum for his crimes! :P

  19. All in favor of arresting Caboose say "aye"
  20. Oh I didn't know it was for official playdates only XD. Oh well.
  21. I'm missing the playdate award for attending Maru's latest playdate.
  22. I'm off to throw some discuses.

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