Welcome to the home of Congress!
This thread will remain home of the Congress for this USF presidential term and future terms provided the future presidents continue with the newly founded tradition of Congress.
A new poll will be posted every week and voted on by the members of congress.
The congress is here to involve a good amount of people from the community, this way all walks of life from the forum are heard. The topics of the poll will often be random and funny, but sometimes we will get onto a more serious vote.
Discuss the topics among your peers. Work as a group to come to a consensus!
Introducing your members of Congress:
Helix Amell
Mr Kittens And Gibberish
Fox McCloud
Edward Kenway
D38 Boss
The Director
The speaker of the House:
Tony Stark
The Presidents Cabinet:
Vitamin PWN
President of the USF:
Be sure to check out the Official Military of the USF brought to you by Fishy and the brave men and Woman of the forums! They fight off spambot scum every day for you!
Enlist Here!
Battles fought: 62 Battles won: 46 Spambots killed: 237
Forum rules apply at all times.
Everyone can vote.
You may post in the thread your ideas, and opinions. If you do not stay on topic you will be asked to stop posting in the thread. No Harassment, fighting or any other stuff that savages often do. Be smart