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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Just a heads up to all involved, this week will be slow as it is just to set everything up. As we move on the topics will become more discussion provoking and enjoyable.
  2. After watching that, I feel like this is a good summary to the battle:
  3. Welcome to the home of Congress! This thread will remain home of the Congress for this USF presidential term and future terms provided the future presidents continue with the newly founded tradition of Congress. A new poll will be posted every week and voted on by the members of congress. The congress is here to involve a good amount of people from the community, this way all walks of life from the forum are heard. The topics of the poll will often be random and funny, but sometimes we will get onto a more serious vote. Discuss the topics among your peers. Work as a group to come to a consensus! Introducing your members of Congress: Helix Amell Mr Kittens And Gibberish Melody Fox McCloud Ash Axilus Edward Kenway D38 Boss Church The Director The speaker of the House: Tony Stark The Presidents Cabinet: Vitamin PWN Fishy President of the USF: Yoshi1176 Be sure to check out the Official Military of the USF brought to you by Fishy and the brave men and Woman of the forums! They fight off spambot scum every day for you! Enlist Here! Battles fought: 62 Battles won: 46 Spambots killed: 237 Results: RULES: Forum rules apply at all times. Everyone can vote. You may post in the thread your ideas, and opinions. If you do not stay on topic you will be asked to stop posting in the thread. No Harassment, fighting or any other stuff that savages often do. Be smart

  5. We actually have quite a few people here that have beaten it! Congrats on completing it man! I have yet to attempt to do it lol.
  6. Anyone want to play Dying Light in 30 minutes or an hour?

  7. This Elite sounds like a bounty hunter of sorts. Good Chapter!
  8. I was a poor man once but than I noticed these status updates.

  9. Today I learned that I don't like the taste of eel.

  10. I'll be back Monday!

  11. Last chance to vote! Polls close tonight.
  12. Half way across state, I really need this vacation.

  13. Your vote doesn't count though you aren't from the same members group.
  14. I don't know if they will add it in on the Halo 4 playlist, but they do have a free for all gametype on Halo 2 anniversary I believe. Try it out see how you like it! It is played on smaller maps but it is really fun.
  15. Good night everyone! At this time tomorrow I will be on vacation, so I will be on for a few minutes here and there this weekend. Have fun!

    1. Spyro


      Second term not even a week in and he's taking a break. :P

    2. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      The Usf is in safe hands....


      Im taking command now! :D

    3. ShockGazm


      Have fun Yoshi! Try not to get wasted. ;)

  16. Sorry fox your a little late to the party, sign ups ended already. But you can always sign up for Mafia 11!
  17. Be sure to nominate your friends for the future! Polls close Friday! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/39533-congress-nomination-thread/

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