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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I'm changing my vote from Edward to Axilus. I saw Ed's PM picture and I'll believe him for now.
  2. Do you think your opinions matter? Well so do I! Go and vote Yoshi for Forum president and you will get your voices heard with the newest edition of Congress!

  3. Actually got to sleep in today woo!

  4. Don't forget the main piece! (the guy is part of the instrument) This is The Bowafridgeaphone
  5. Yoshi1176

    See ya!

    See ya Melody! Come back soon.
  6. I will attempt to be their. Given it's on Valentines day with any luck I won't be able to make it. But If nothing goes my way, I will be there. GT Yoshi1176
  7. I stand before you today in your power. Read my election Address! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/39406-a-dream-for-a-better-tomorrow/?p=354688

    1. depressant
    2. Yoshi1176


      I never said I won, I'm saying I am in your control because the election is up to you guys, and I have my address to the forums going into the election.

  8. Election day is looming over or heads. The time that your voices are most important, you, the people of the forum will be making a decision that will effect the forums and USF for the next four months. To finalize my statements I would like to briefly say the following: Firstly, thank you to my wonderful crew that I am so lucky to call my friends. They have worked so hard the last few weeks to help me get were I am. Thank you Vitamin and Fishy! With the election in full effect, I would like to drive home my goals, if I were to be elected. My first goal is to get the Congress of the USF back up and running. I have made changes to the general plan of how the congress works. There will be a speaker of the house, and myself, accompanied by two elected congressmen from each member group. A moderator picked by the other moderators will be speaker of the house. Weekly topics will be made, either by the speaker of the house, a congressman or myself. Anyone involved in the Congress may make a poll and have it discussed with their fellow congress members. While I would love to win this election, and reestablish the congress, the decision is ultimately up to you. Vote smart. God Bless the USF.
  9. Honestly, I think a lot of us have been brats lately. Very noble of you Anime.
  10. The dream of congress is alive again! Vote Yoshi for a better tomorrow!

    1. Silent Orbis
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      An amazing turn of events for the USF Election

  11. Wake up at 6, lift weights till 7:45 school till 3 with football practice at lunch, Track till 5:30 Football film till 8:30 unless I have extra classes that day. Class won't end till 9:00, go home eat dinner, 10:00 rolls by, start homework, 11:00 rolls by. Go to sleep, repeat. Thats what I have to look forward to soon.

  12. Congratulations! I still remember when you weren't MoM like it was yesterday.... Seriously, congrats man. Your a good Mafia player and a fun guy in the shoutbox. Whats more to ask? Now that it is February, I was wondering if you'd be my valentine.
  13. Dying light: is it worth my money?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Buns


      I'm really enjoying it. Played it for 6 hours straight today which I don't do for games often.

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      My friends really enjoy it.

    4. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Depends if you liked Dead island or not

  14. Anyone else's Xbox One not read the disc the first time you put it in?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Buns


      Not mine nope.

    3. Yoshi1176


      Yeah I take good care of it. What Peanut described is exactly what happens. I just wanted to see if it wasn't just my Xbox.

    4. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      Mine does that sometimes.

  15. Django Unchained is a good movie.

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