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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I vote Tony. we know nothing so we might as well vote for the same guy see what happens.
  2. I want a fiddle.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Here I am dyin' lookin' at two of 'em down me tin whishtle schope.

    3. Vitamin Pwn
    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I wanna be a Mediocre Clarinet Player.

  3. I would like to continue on the path I started when I was first nominated. A USF that is based on Peace, Equality and Responsibility. I would like to focus on the Congress, and put the changes I have planned into effect on the Congress. With these changes the Congress will become a thriving factor of the USF and will create more game opportunities for the forum. In order to get this done I need the help of everyone. My team of amazing Propagandists that stand at my side and are ready at a moments notice and most importantly, you guys. The people are the most important part of the USF. The USF was established for you guys, and I would like to show that by making the things done in the USF done and chosen by you. As the final poll approaches, remember, I have a plan, a plan for you. Vote Yoshi for President!
  4. Well when you have you with a main topic with one or two propaganda posts compared to me when I have a team of propagandists, and I am constantly out trying to pull votes, and I have multiple threads including a video people tend to notice one more. It's all about effort and publicity, You can't expect to win without putting a lot of time into it. Given my team is excellent, we all work hard to get noticed and earn those votes.
  5. Your status said something among the lines that you wanted to quit because you weren't getting votes. Than you got votes and now your all happy again and want to try to won this. What other candidates including myself are a bit frustrated about is that we put in tons of work only to be outdone by a little status update pretty much saying you feel bad for yourself. If you were winning because of the work, more power to ya, but right now it just looks like pity votes. And may I add, all those status updates are now deleted. It leaves one to wonder.
  6. Listen, I don't know how it happened, but you could imagine what people think when someone goes and says that they don't want to run because they don't have any votes. Than magically that night get more than five times the votes they had earlier that day. Some get upset that a lot of work that they put into something is countered by someone who put minimal work in and got pity votes, because that is what it looks like Anime.
  7. Vote for a man who works to get were he is. This is an election not a charity case. Vote Yoshi for President!

  8. I don't need pity votes. Vote for the right choice, vote Yoshi!
  9. I want Conan to come here.

  10. It all goes down to one thing. Peace Equality and Responsibility. For a better forum, for a congress that will hear you out, for your opinions. Vote Yoshi.
  11. Remember Peace, Equality. and Responsibility. Vote Yoshi!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drizzy_Dan
    3. Vaulting♥Frog
    4. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Yes. Vote for the happy things. Much like a child being told to be good in exchange for a treat.

  12. I am defending my arguments and plans if I am voted president. Go ahead and check out the conversation I had with Caboose, who repeatedly attacked my Congress statement. I stand up for what I believe in. So do others. Just because I have supporters of my plans, it does not mean I can't defend it myself.
  13. What you guys think the president works alone? You'd be foolish to think that. Each political candidate in the history of the world has relied on his peers to get them were they are. I am not afraid to ask for assistance. I am human, I am like all of you. I understand the needs of the many because I also share those needs. I do not lie about what I am, because I am proud. Vote Yoshi!
  14. Serial killers start off killing animals and than they move onto humans. If you vote for Boss you are voting for the death of every living member on this site.
  15. I'm Yoshi1176 and I approve this message.
  16. Q and A starting now! If you want to ask questions get in the shoutbox!

    1. E-Runner


      have you ever been on Conan? Like to watch it on set :P

    2. Yoshi1176


      No but when I turn 16 I am going.

  17. Wait I think your post could get you barred from the election. Be careful. It'd be a shame if I couldn't run against you! I like a challenge!
  18. I will be holding a Q and A in the shoutbox tonight. Ask me questions and they shall be answered. What good is a presidential candidate if he does not listen to his people?

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      A man with nothing to stop him from pursuing his goals. If some of your "People" contradict your plans, will you simply change them at the drop of a hat? The last thing we need is a fickle, weak, gutless leader.

    2. Yoshi1176


      I never said I'd change my plans. But things change and on some circumstances changes need to be made for the good of the forums. I'm not saying I'd stop doing something, but I would edit my plans to better fit the needs of the masses. After all this is a presidency not a dictatorship. And that's not even the reason of the Q and A. it is to hear the people I am trying to lead to answer their concerns.

  19. Nice Propaganda! Better you post it here than in your own thread right? Wouldn't want your supporters to see it there would you. I know that it is just retaliation for me posting my pic, but you have to put the election first and then revenge. There are priority's. I made sure to establish my thread, I suggest you do the same.
  20. That's not sabotage. I am simply showing my propagandist's work.
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