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Legendary Members
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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Ashlynn I am not pleased

  2. Ashlynn I am not pleased

  3. I think it's time for an update: I'm that tall guy on the right. The others are my parental units and brothers.
  4. I want to play 10.0 sounds fun. We have to wait for 9 though....
  5. Things don't happen without the peoples support, be heard, post your opinions on this.http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/38063-member-suggestion-ideas-thread/page-2#entry352407

    1. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Not that it matters, the answer is always no anyway >.>

  6. I understand a new members group/color has been proposed a hundred times. But with that I want to propose something once more. And I feel it is reasonable and has a good backing in the community. With almost 90% of our active community being at the dedicated members rank, things tend to get stale. Color is a nice and it makes stuff look pretty. Now what I propose, is a new members group. This members group will be 1000 posts and up or 1500 posts and up. This will allow for frequent posters to be awarded for having a long time dedication, 500 posts goes by fast. The majority of the active community has already surpassed that. So if we use the old Comms blue, as a new members color, it would reward people for being loyal to the forums. In the past it was that the colors were to similar, but now, Comms is gone. So there is no reason to not be able to have a new group. A suggestion of a name for the group: Outstanding Members Thank you.
    1. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      not Azy sorry that dude is from Sydney Azy isn't.

  7. That happens to be on a day that I am building a kitchen. If I'm on at the time and you need more people I'll join.
  8. You would not believe the amount of work my English teacher is expecting me to do.

  9. Everything's funny when it happens to Russia!

  10. I love cut blocking! Nothing better than breaking that D linemans legs

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      Tackling is good to. Just cut blocking gives you a cheap shot at their knees.

    3. E-Runner


      Are there any innuendos in that post? It sounds like it.

    4. Yoshi1176


      No, just football ('murica)

  11. I honestly don't know why anyone would pre order forza. It's the same thing over and over and over....
  12. we haven't gotten very many new members lately. that stayed anyway

    1. Twinreaper


      And your complaining?!?


    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      70,000 members and not even 1% of them actually do anything.

    3. E-Runner
  13. Hey man, this isn't ran by 343. This is a fan site. If you want 343 to see it, post this on Waypoint Nice video though. I do disagree with this though: both people should get the game additions. Now I understand you want it, but the people that got the game at release weren't able to do anything. It was unplayable. People who bought it recently can play the game, with some minor issues. I play the game just fine, and a lot of others can to.
  14. Okay, voice commander is pretty awesome! definitely recommend it!

  15. Lets see how crappy this "voice commander" game is

  16. A friend of Peanut is a friend of mine! Welcome to the forums!
  17. I dare you to for the remainder of the weekend change your entire profile to a Flo from progressive theme. Profile pic, about me etc.
  18. I suppose that works to, although my method is a bit more direct.
  19. I dare you to talk in Binary, until my dare is completed. All threads, shouts, posts etc must be in binary.
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