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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Dare please, make it good. (I don't know anime so no anime dares)
  2. Since it seems it is something wrong with the disc, clean it, even if it isn't dirty. Now, I play the game frequently and I can play local just fine. Sometimes things won't load. What I do to fix this is I eject the disk and put it back in, usually I have to do this a few times but it works. Try that. Although we see your frustration and we understand please do not come onto our forums and start using swear words. We have worked hard to make this a safe and friendly environment. Good luck!
  3. Don't get me wrong, I was really excited for the chapters last book, it's just this time around I think everyone developed their characters a bit better.
  4. I know it's a prologue, but I really like this. I'm as excited if not more to read these than I was book one.
  5. ._.

    1. Twinreaper


      You only said to Conan-ify my profile. I added that I like Conan...and in orange!

    2. Yoshi1176


      Your a sneaky one. I should take some lessons.

    3. Twinreaper
  6. What if I just kill ya instead?

    1. Delpen9


      That would be mean.

    2. Vaulting♥Frog


      Please do, save me the trouble of life.

  7. I'm so tired and I don't know why.

  8. Conan has a Twitch account. live on Wednesdays. http://www.twitch.tv/teamcoco

  9. Delpen I challenge you to a duel.

    1. Delpen9


      No, I challenge you to an Agni Kai.

    2. GermanShepherdD


      I'll roshambo you for it ;3

  10. How would the Spartan charge downwards? That literally is ground pound lol. Maybe I'm not understanding you, can you please explain more about the ground pound?
  11. I like all the mods, except the ones in blue :P

  12. This is deep man. Almost as deep as that time Andy was attacked...
  13. The Conan empire is spreading :3

  14. I thought you were in New Zealand. Why are you in a town down the road from me?

    1. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      I am in NZ lul but Wally West aka Kid Flash is from Palo Alto

    2. Yoshi1176
  15. So next week I'll have to be at school by 6:55. I usually get out of bed at 7:00 :(

  16. Moments like these are the reason I stay on this site, and I think really why anyone stays. It's a community, and while we may not all know each other in the real world we all spend good portions of our day here, taking care of one another helping psioth them from the harshness of the world, and to be able to talk to people and not having to worry about running into complete jerks. Notice most of the people on that list have been here as long as you have. That's what makes this place better than any other forum. Were are all a family. Congrats on three years! Here is to three more! (Now I need to punch something to feel manly again)
  17. The assist, or helping hand. Maybe that award doesn't exist anymore. We got one last year is all I know.
  18. what is /b/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      It's the internet's hell.

    3. Fishy


      We don't talk about /b/

      If you want to know, google it.

    4. Drizzy_Dan


      ^First rule of /b/

  19. Throw back to when Edward Kenway couldn't stay in the shoutbox longer than me.

  20. Yeah, anytime were here to help. Feel free to stick around. Keep in mind we have almost a year between now and release, so most of those problems will be fixed. The problem with the blues probably won't be changed on account of pretty much everything of the Covenant's is purple, and a lot of the UNSC maps are darker with blues. And trust me, a lot of us here have been frustrated and are frustrated. Hang in there. Good luck
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