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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. You do understand that all of this is a beta right? No need to get angry, just voice your concerns at Halo Waypoint and hope they are fixed before release. And sorry 343 can't help that your color blind, when the game comes out just adjust the brightness that may help.
  2. I have school tomorrow... Noooo!

  3. And people need their awards for the New Years playdate
  4. Damage boost.... it's one helluva drug.

  5. Before you get your panties twisted anymore, stop and listen. I know there is problems with MCC. When I said there is nothing to solve, I meant it as in we can do anything about it sitting at our xboxes and computers. So we have to wait for 343 to fix the stuff on their end. Now that that is over, your post is just a list of complaints. And there is nothing on there that 343 hasn't seen and is working to fix. Good luck!
  6. Thanks Brony! Xbox just came in!

    1. Buns



    2. Akali
  7. I've been waiting for this one for a while now! Congrats Ledgend! There isn't much to say, this one wasn't much of a surprise! Just don't be like the last MoM, stay around and show your face lol. HAPPY 2014!
  8. Some people have had this problem, I would recommend re downloading the beta. It can't hurt right? If that doesn't work I don't know what else to do. I haven't had to figure that out yet.
  9. My boxer just spent 20 minutes hunting down a fly. She injured it so it kept falling out of the sky. She thinks she is tough now.

  10. My boxer just spent 20 minutes hunting down a fly. She injured it so it kept falling out of the sky. She thinks she is tough now.

  11. It's like 20 degrees and I'm on a leather couch. *shivers*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maestro


      20's pretty warm. Or are you not talking about Celsius?

    3. Yoshi1176


      I'm talking about Fahrenheit.

    4. Yoshi1176


      20 degrees is below freezing

  12. The page in the link does not not exist anymore. Please give a new link or just copy and paste the argument here. The copy/paste option works best because Moderators have to go through all the links and that's just a hassle.
  13. Give little kids Halo 2 with the scarab skull on. Keeps them busy, almost like they aren't there.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      It gives all weapons the player uses the power of the Scarab Gun.

    3. joshyzburton
    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Yeah. Fun to mess around with. It does disable completion achievements though, and prevents you from earning points if campaign scoring is on. For obvious reasons.

  14. So I open Word to do some school work, and decided to clean out some old documents, I open a document don't remember ever seeing before and it says this: "What if you've taken it one step too far? What if you're delving too deep into origins that are beyond your capability to understand? The human mind is a complex web, but any web can be destroyed by a weight it cannot hold. 6/7/14 Remember the Date." I have no idea what it means, its kind of spooky actually.

    1. rrhuntington


      Take the Blue Pill to go deeper.

    2. Delpen9


      That person had a high Crime Coefficient. (Psycho Pass)

  15. I didn't have this problem exactly, I just couldn't get it to download. Now, every time I play a match I have to rejoin matchmaking, it's a pain but this is a beta. My recommendation is to just re download the beta, can't say it'll work any better, but it is worth a try right? Lastly, this site isn't ran by 343 if you want them to see this or here your problem you'll have to tell them and post this at Halo Waypoint. Welcome to the forums though! Hope you stick around.
  16. I agree with this completely!\ While Truth is a good map, and I have loved that map and it's different versions for a long time, I don't want to see that in Halo 5. Like You said I want to see new maps, and honestly Empire fits the gameplay so much better that the Truth because its not so rounded like truth is. It makes you use everything that 343 has implemented into the game.
  17. I like Halo 5's beta. Got rekt the first few rounds because I had no idea what the controls were lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      It seems as if you need the BR's to win, the AR just doesn't get the job done like it has in the past. And I used to love the DMR but right now I hate it.

    3. Azaxx


      AR stomps on BR at close range, it's an absolute beast now.

      But BR/Pistol combo ftw

    4. Melody


      Cool. I haven't got to play it yet, must be pretty fun.

  18. Whats with these extra nameplates on MCC, I don't know how I got them, one says HCS PRO another has a gold Spartan helmet

    1. Seigrain


      I think 343 gave everyone who played MCC free nameplates, and ODST for all the issues.

  19. 2014 was a great year so lets celebrate by giving a sendoff to it and remembering all the great things that happened over the last 365 days! A lot happened in the world of gaming this year! We got to play Halo the Master Chief Collection And The Halo 5 Beta! (Advanced warfare came out but no one cares) We also had a big change in the staff! Going into the year we had the: Art Department News Department Event's Department Communications and of course, the guys that keep this possible: Community Moderators Moderators and Twam (Administrator) Coming out of the year the Staff looked completely different! Comms was completely dissolved, and Art department became Forum Productions, Ran by: Austinacious Jack Of Harts and Bnus! The Events team got a new name, Events Management (Fancy) This lovely group is ran by: D-38 Boss Cooliest and Sikslik7! News Group stayed the same except for the addition of a new member. This wonderful group finds all our info we want for us! How kind! This group is ran by: Adam91 Edward Kenway and of course Unease P34nut! Now we had these groups since the dawn of time more or less, but this year we gained a new group. The Forge Group! This new and exciting group is more of a duo, ran by the forgeing kings themselves... Zandril and Maestro! Now to the important guys, they have done so much this year, besides setting people straight, they keep the place running. Lets give a big thank you to our mods! Azaxx TheSilverCenturion DocSpartan007 Drizzy_Dan GermanShepherD Church The Director and 2014's addition to the list! Beckoningzebra1! Our wonderful Moderator: RedStarRocket91 And most importantly: Twam. Where would any of us be without him? Waypoint, that's were, so be thankful. Now I ask you guys, to post your favorite memories from this year below, whether you tell us or post a screen shot, lets look back on the year! In the spoiler below is one of my favorite moments, The day someone tried to sell cheap belts on a Halo forum!
  20. Yoshi1176

    New years!

    From the album: ok

  21. I'm reserving the spot for a send off to 2014 thread.

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