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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. PM the person that has who you won and ask them to give it to you.
  2. Well before I begin, we are not 343 that is here at Waypoint: http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrSbnvHAJpUnG0AooBXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzanYybjRtBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDU2OV8x/RV=2/RE=1419407687/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.halowaypoint.com%2f/RK=0/RS=VlFsy461_zv5GiiTcLl89bodztA- Anyway, I know it may suck for machinima, but I doubt it'll change. They kinda just made the armor simple and not a lot of choices because this game has many different armors depending on which game you play. So to add all of the choices they had in Halo 4 for example and add that for each game that would just be to much. If you post your question at Waypoint they may look at it and change it, but that's probably not going to happen. As you know they are hard at work fixing the game.
  3. I really could go for some Doritos and pizza.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      I've never tried that lol.

    3. Delpen9


      Doritos in coke? That sounds horrible.

    4. Yoshi1176


      Doritos and Coke yes, in coke idk

  4. You win, guess you don't like it and will return it. BIG loss to the Halo community losing someone like you. Oh yeah, If you thought Nightfall sucked that bad why'd you watch the whole series? I thought Nightfall was horrible. If someone doesn't like a show they usually don't finish all the episodes. Regardless of how many problems the MCC has, its still playable and enjoyable. The other day a group of new and veteran members of the forum enjoyed customs for a few hours. The only problems we had was with someones NAT and the Twitch stream not working lol. If you stop focusing on the bad and just play it's a lot more fun that way. You see, I could care less if you continue to play Halo. The thing that I care about and get to be annoyed at is after hundreds of threads about the same issues is when people constantly complain, and then go right back to playing the game that's "horrible and never should have been released."
  5. I thought Nightfall was interesting :3 As for your hate thread, I do get annoyed by having to search for a new lobby every time, but oh well. I'm sure it'll be fixed. Why don't you just return the game now? I bet if 343 didn't change one more thing till new years you'd still keep the game. Just like half of the guys that come onto the site to complain of how the franchise has been dumb since Halo 4 yet still play.
  6. I'll play some more I suppose.
  7. I replied to that post before I saw this. It made me very angry lol
  8. You've been less than a week? Then you don't know how many more problems there was at launch. Launch was crap, it was almost unplayable. BUT, now I can get into matches just fine, I can play and host customs just fine, I played all the campaigns just fine. Yeah its buggy, it is a gigantic game though, the biggest on this console. The fact that the game is playable and you can get into matches easy now shows that the game is improving. This really just makes it look like your sour that your doubles playlist isn't in there. And FYI there is a Snipers playlist. It just isn't in multiplayer. You want to play it? play some custom games. That's what it is there for. And Grif, you've been on the site so long you have had to of seen all the updates and things 343 has fixed. They are working on it. This is probably one of the largest games to be launched in a while. That's four games on one disc... Really, on this forums we get hit with negative comments constantly about the game. Yet you guys still play Halo. Why is that? Because you love the franchise like anyone else. Yes 343i is a young company and they are trying new things that you guys may not like. Deal with it things change. You guys both like CE and 3 right? There is a hell of a lot of differences there aren't there? We all played and loved the games anyway right? PS. Halo 4 was not bad, you just didn't like the new things brought to the table. It played smoothly, Customs were awesome in that game. Not to mention that has the best Forge in Halo so far. So what is wrong with it exactly?
  9. That was a good set of customs last night :3 Anyone up for some more tonight?

  10. Maybe the Sniper should just randomly shoot people. That would make the game so much more exciting.
  11. Because I find him hilarious. The reason I decked out my profile like I did, well I don't quite know. One it sets me apart from the rest, you guys can all Identify me by Conan now, and I think it looks good.
  12. I gotta go to bed ladies, someone take over, ;D
  13. On a scale of 1 to 10 how hot is Azaxx?
  14. I think I know, but maybe I just have a dirty mind.
  15. What was your single greatest moment on the site.
  16. I'll take another dare I suppose Truth Or dare
  17. Okay, my profile pic is now hello kitty. I think that deserves some likes lol. This is embarrassing lol BubblePop, I dare you to use this as your profile pic. https://sp.yimg.com/ib/th?id=HN.608011831567583550&pid=15.1&P=0
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