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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Lets see if this Project Spark is any good

  2. Wow, my two year anniversary for being on the site was five months ago, completely forgot about it lol.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      Because they don't think, and they like causing trouble. Sorta like congress.

    3. Sadly Just AL
    4. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      Sorry for forgetting the anniversary honey <3

  3. What was your most embarrassing moment on the site?
  4. Fell up the stairs at school, and I was with the girl I like lol
  5. Truth or dare? Connor: I dare you to question Azaxx's power to his face. Seigrain: I dare you to Announce that you have Ebola in the shoutbox and a status update
  6. I dare you to announce your love of grapefruits in the shoutbox all caps
  7. Dare or Dare Centurion Truth or Dare Connor?
  8. Okay, if you had to choose between Caboose and Delpen who would you let be Mod?
  9. Large crab stuffed bacon wrapped prawns... They were delicious, but my stomach has never regretted something more in my entire life.

    1. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      I like bacon, I like prawns and never tried crab but I don't like getting stomach aches.

  10. Axilus, Truth or dare? Centurion, Truth or Dare? (Pick dare)
  11. Yang: Who is your favorite member on the site?
  12. While I do love most of you, Sparky has to be my favorite. I met him on here a long time ago, and we played Halo together all the time. He was also in the same clan as me, and we have talked for a long time. Yes, it was in an assembly at school, and it was loud lol, First thing i did was looked at my heavy set Teacher Mrs.Kale and said eww while pointing at her. Truth or Dare?
  13. I want a mini giraffe that I can have running around my house.
  14. Sorry, I was getting rid of one of my brothers, I want a truth.
  15. I love Ashlyn!

    1. Delpen9
    2. Akali


      And the Bubble love train continues...

  16. I won't ban you, don't do it if you don't want to though.
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