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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I hate studying, I can't stay focused.

    1. Delpen9


      I never study. Is this because of my school or me?

  2. Crap didn't know the game started I vote rue
  3. Tree fell down and there is a river in my garage. Yay ._.

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      oh no, not Tree Beard!

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Perfect time to learn how to sail!

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Oh jeez, that's unpleasant. D:

  4. Storm will hit within the hour, if I lose power, see y'all soon

  5. People in my city are morons, the news says we are going to get three inches of rain and 60 mile per hour winds. What do they do? They panic and start fortifying their houses. lulz While I'm not afraid of a little rain and wind, it shows how wimpy most Californians are. Look at the guys on the East Coast. I'm sure they'd like warm weather and some rain.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      60ish is always nice. Though lower 50 is lovely too.

    3. Zandril


      You'll never be as battle-hardened against rain as people in the Philippines :P

    4. Pbrabbit


      I'd love that weather over here on the east coast

  6. Nicely put. Just to add onto this, every game has problems at launch, they had to work with not one but 4 games. This is also the largest game to release on Xbox One, so yes there are issues. And with every update it gets better. Every Halo launch there is problems and people cry and whine about it. I'm assuming your one of these people. Yet they still play EVERY halo. So 343 is obviously doing something right.
  7. Maestro is taking your freedom! If you like freedom join the rebellion!

  8. That was a great story! I look forward to a book 2. Glad to see everyone got out safely... oh wait. lol
  9. I haven't seen MoM around lately. Wonder what happened

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      It was a waste of a Mom.

    3. Sikslik7


      Just because a member does not hang out in the Shoutbox does not mean the member has not been on. The MoM has indeed been on the last few days


    4. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      It'd still be nice if he said hi...

  10. Rank: Dedicated Title: Leader of the Rebellion Time on Forums: 63d 12h 30m 53s Join date: July 29th 2012 Likes: 528 Active Posts: 1,209 Shouts: 12194 Awards Friends: 126 Site Achievments: President of USF
  11. 12 year olds maybe not. Mature people, yes they would, why not? Holy actually sounds like a cool clan name, makes you sound important. I wouldn't change it.
  12. Hope you enjoy your final moments as emperor #Yoshi'srebellionofjustice

    1. Maestro


      Improper usage of the number sign will be the first contributing factor to the downfall of your "rebellion of justice" and another victory for the Empire.

  13. So Frank O'Connor has been getting death threats from Halo fans since launch of MCC. This is why we can't have nice things.

  14. Why does Santa come through my window and steal my stuff every year
  15. Will this be updated as time goes on or is this all of them?
  16. If I remember correctly nameplates were done through Bungie.net. They haven't touched Reach for some time now so if your nameplate came off, you probably won't be getting it back. Sorry.
  17. This thread is pointless, as said above: The skulls were not touched, they are in the same EXACT place. If the problem you have with it is that they are hard to get to, well that's the point lol. why have them in the open? I honestly don't see why you are angry.
  18. Do your other games give you this problem? This happened to me a few times. Just restart the Xbox put the game back in and it should load. If not, and you want to cut your losses, bring it back to the store and exchange it for a new one. It will work than for sure unless the problem is with the Xbox.
  19. *Forges for two hours, Tries to save map, error* :( this frustrates me deeply.

    1. Delpen9


      Similar to some of my worst gaming experiences.

  20. Finished the skeleton of my map for the forge contest, considering it's the first map I've ever made I think it looking pretty good.

    1. Yoshi1176
    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Ohh, congratulations. That's quite a milestone.

    3. Maestro


      Very nice! Can't wait to see the end product :D

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