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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I'm going to play all the campaigns in order in one sitting. A sort of marathon, and than I'm going to play some multiplayer.
  2. Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here! Enjoy
  3. Classification [signature] -Format [PNG] -Size [Default: 600 x 200] -Style -Color Scheme -Background [Link] http://parade.condenast.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/exclusive-conan-o-brien-v2-0.jpg -Text * > Yoshi1176 (in Orange please) > -Text Font -Additional Effects -Positions Have Yoshi1176 in the top left corner And could you remove the heading at the bottom of the picture please, Thanks
  4. Last time I heard it was only for the UK. If so you are out of luck. Its two days till launch regardless and the Limited edition only had a little book in it. Probably not worth a hundred dollars. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy the game though!
  5. I actually like the sound of that, you could probably have it as one of the pickups, like the Drain or Bubble Shield. Although I don't see it functioning well in maps were there are inclines and ledges. And in a enclosed environment I imagine that it would kill someone it wasn't intended to just by bouncing off the walls lol. I really like the concept though!
  6. Or you can vote blindly and kill someone! * raises pitchfork * LEEDLE LEEDLE LEE!!!!
  7. Were shall I go? Netherlands for LGBT rights (doesn't really interest me besides the Netherlands part) or Germany for politics? I may go to one of these places next summer for school.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cooliest


      If you go to Netherlands, you meet P34Nut

    3. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Forget politics, meet p33nut.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Germany...for History and Government. :P

  8. I'm sure there will be an option for the type of experience you are asking for, there are always setting changes to work with, and i'm positive they will have playlists for the people that want to play like they did when the game first came out.
  9. Thanks to everyone that participated in the Halo-ween challenge! Hope you had fun with it!

    1. depressant
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I had a good bone tingling time.

  10. My homecoming game happens to be on Halloween, looks like I'm going as a Football player!
  11. If I could grow a mustache I would. Sadly all I can get is mutton chops. Hate those things....
  12. If your having trouble sleeping read A Tale of Two Citys, it'll put you to sleep.

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Scarlet Letter is just as efficient.

    2. Delpen9


      Cities* This annoyed me.

    3. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Read the Hobbit. It'll bore you so much that you'll suddenly want to force yourself to sleep somehow.

  13. Been so busy the last few days, whats up people?

  14. Had her since 1999. Very good condition, just needs a tune up.
  15. You're back! You may not remember a lot of us because of our Halloween names though.
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