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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Yeah, unfortunately we have no power over 343 industries. We are simply a fan forum. Waypoint is your best bet for help. I can only guess in saying that it will probably be available, if other Xbox One games haven't been available, sadly The MCC may not become available to you guys.
  2. Have fun! Take some pictures!
  3. Glad to have you back! Its always nice to see a forum member come back whether it be for a short time or a long time. Try to stay a little longer this time haha!
  4. I'm sure you get to choose which game you play, probably not the map though you'll probably have to vote for it like always. Or do it in customs?
  5. Thanks man! I hope to get everyone to participate *cough* Azaxx *cough* And who knows, maybe lord Twam and the Moderators will actually make an award for it. Have fun with it guys
  6. I challenge all of you guys to change your username to a October themed name whether it be fall inspired or Halloween.

  7. Seems the pumpkin spice bandwagon of fall effects more than just food.

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Jack of Lanterns could be quite a title.... Mm?

  8. If you guys kill yourselves Mafia can't kill you, problem solved! Mass Protown suicide anyone?
  9. No I wouldn't, with people flying banshees and driving their warthogs everywhere a minimap would become crowded by all of these things. If it was a small map with no vehicles it would be fine, but small maps and no vehicles simply isn't Halo.
  10. As stated above the helmet was just a promotional thing for the game the few days after launch. It was one of those things you had to be there to get so sadly you missed it. I myself missed it, but loved and enjoyed the game all the same. It's just asthetic anywho. Have some fun though Reach was a very fun game!
  11. I found some important information! Turns out it was the Mafia who killed me...
  12. Well after the second trip to the E.R the doctors think I've bruised my brain, so no electronics till Tuesday, doctors orders.... See ya soon ;)

    1. rrhuntington


      Bruised Brain... Yikes. Hope you get better.

    2. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      o.O Damn, that's not funny. Get some rest m8. Wait... I'm not British. I can't say "m8". I am American. I say "bruh"


    3. Azaxx


      That is why you don't do sports.

  13. So a 8 inch needle into your spine to take samples hurts. Who would have thought?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Coldfreeze


      Miranda keyes would have thought so.

    3. Axilus Prime
    4. Yoshi1176


      They gave me something to relax me so I would jerk, but I felt it alright, and it hurt like hell.

  14. So I may have a concussion, AND bronchitis. What a world...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sadly Just AL
    3. rrhuntington


      Yoshi: A Football Life.


      Tomorrow at 8.

    4. Frankenzer


      Ain't nobody got time fo that!!!



      All kidding aside though, I hope you get well soon. You will be in my prayers

  15. Looks like we made a booboo.
  16. Maybe we should just pause the game till Yang gets back?
  17. I would love to see those come to Xbox One. More so ODST but Halo Reach would be awseome as well.
  18. Would anyone join if I create a destiny Clan for the Xbox One?

    1. Buns


      Or we can use the Forum clan ;)

    2. Yoshi1176


      There is a forum clan?

    3. Yoshi1176


      Oh I found it, request sent

  19. For all you Football players out their, I got 4 pancakes in one game! 2 of them in a row!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rrhuntington


      Kid on ground: "LEGGO MY EGGO!"

    3. Delpen9


      They're not just cones, they're waffle cones.

    4. Yoshi1176
  20. Where you think you're going punk?

  21. * forgets there is teacher meetings today, gets to school 2 hours early*

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