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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. This makes me happy, I cannot wait to play this.
  2. I'm bored, have no computer, and it's 80 degrees in my room... Oh Joy!

    1. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      Have a nice cold shower then watch some tv or whatever

    2. Frankenzer
  3. No you didn't, unless........ Your the new addition to the Mafia?
  4. I just don't see who else could have known I was Detective besides you and the confirmed pro town guys.
  5. Axilus is civie, Ledgend is Mafia everyone else I investigated is dead. KILL TSC! There is a huge probability he is Mafia, if not his death will help narrow the list anyway.
  6. Time for this years pic... Sorry about the size and shape of the pic, I tried lol.
  7. I told you guys it was Ledgend! Grr! If only you'd listen. Oh and Silver is not Mafia.
  8. I've already spoken with The Director. He knows.
  9. My Co President is no longer here, which means I do not have to share my powers. I have decided to become a dictator. Bow before me peasants!

  10. Because he is Mafia. I can not give you a reason, but you'll just have to trust me. Now your probably saying why should I trust you? The answer is you shouldn't because you have nothing to justify trusting me. But once you guys eventually do kill Ledgend and see he is Mafia, MAYBE, you'll trust me.
  11. I told you guys to vote Ledgend...
  12. We need a forum neighborhood watch to find these guys.
  13. Ledgend is Mafia! You guys need to vote for him.
  14. I vote Ledgend. Ledgend is Mafia for sure. And he knows it.
  15. Today's events turned out quite pleasantly.

  16. I vote null Also Zag is stuhpid
  17. Ghost Warthog Scorpion Falcon Sabre Pelican ( not halo 4's version) UNSC cruiser Frigate. I guess you can say I'm a bit biased.
  18. I didn't see this thread till today and you may not see this post but, you were a great friend, member and Co-President. I will miss all of the old man jokes and the Lenny's that I hate so much. Everyone has their problems and you are deciding to face them and that is good. Remember, you've got a friend in me. Good luck in life man!
  19. 15 on Friday! Family is going to take me out to dinner.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      Jeez you old fart lol

    3. Zaguroth


      Yehh.. Dern kidz an yur smert phonz.. In my dai all we had wer flip phonz!

    4. Eqwinoxe


      Happy Early Birthday! You lucky duck, I turn 15 in October...

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