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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I like this! What about AI's? You can give them to Spartans and high ranking ODST's
  2. Yes I know last match I made it hard to tie... But last match they also put to Mafia and to Pro towns in the suspect list. We know the two innocent so we can take out half the Mafia in one round.
  3. Let's make a tie between our MoM and Peanut, the other to are confirmed pro town.
  4. I've talked to the Detective, ( you probably won't believe me but oh well) Myself, Ledgend, Bnus, and Delpen are confirmed Protown. Right now Axilus is the most probable of being Mafian. If Axilus appears on a suspect list again I say we vote him, unless the Detective confirms him safe.
  5. I'm telling you Axilus is Mafia. Also, hey you Mafian guys, why don't you kill me? I'm detective.
  6. How easy would it be to get into Azaxx's pants? For his wallet of course ...
  7. First day of sophomore year tomorrow. Wish me luck.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rrhuntington


      Damn... I never started school until the week after Labor day. It just get's earlier for everyone else it seems.

    3. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      @Arno Dorian: It's the second year.

    4. WonderWombat


      Sophomore year is pretty easy, so good luck

  8. If you prove to me your not mafia than I'll prove to you that I'm not Mafia.
  9. Can we get an Update please? I'm innocent
  10. Also Detective, PM me. We need to talk.
  11. Why don't we just kill Axilus
  12. Can we all just vote Axilus? We don't have a lot of legitimate evidence. I say we kill him see what he is and hope he is Mafian. And then we can start strategically figuring out the Mafia.
  13. Or the Medic is a genius. The Mafian is Axilus. My vote goes to Axilus
  14. Mr. Stark is mafia fo sho.
  15. It's so sad to see this happen... He inspired many and used his talents excellently. He provided moments for everyday family's to laugh over and bond. He truly is an amazing person. Robin lived just outside of San Francisco like me. When my father was a kid he went trick or treating at his house every year. My grandfather who use to work at SFO (SanFrans airport) would occasionally see him roller skating through the airport. Shows you, even off screen how amazing he was.
  16. R.I.P Robin Williams, one of my favorite actors of all time.

    1. Rue


      Please tell me you're kidding.

    2. Yoshi1176


      A suicide, suspected suffocation.

    3. Rue


      I'm just done. I quit life. That is so terrible :(

  17. Why hasn't a new Moderator been named yet? We used to have AD and Jester. Why only one now?
  18. I love the idea of this! Once I get computer access again I would love to participate in this.
  19. That would be great. It will definitely spark a rise in Halo machinimas again.
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