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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I hope that all the weapons that were new to Halo 4 return. Except have the detonator do a little more damage to vehicles.
  2. See ya around Silent, I hope you make a return one day. It was fun talking to you. See ya later.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=aopdD9Cu-So Great game guys that was fun! Axilus, that was the best lynch scene ever! Poor Delpen lol.
  4. 1. If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled? 2. When it rains, why don’t sheep shrink? 3.Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to? These questions are subject to be answered by rampant AI's. The views expressed by it do not reflect the forum or its people. If you do do not like the answers given you have 90 days to return the goods. You must 18 years or older to play. Ask a parent before you get online. Also by answering the above questions you agree to be loyal to Yoshi1176 and let him have full access to your AI powers.
  5. Well seems as though my life is about to come to an end, so I leave this to all the deceased players. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSra6ML4wI0&feature=player_detailpage#t=0
  6. Lets take a moment of silence to remember number 99

  7. To add on to VaultingFrogs question, is the person in your profile pic male or female?
  8. It sounds interesting, but seems like it could go on forever. And even if you have a time limit, I feel like you would never actually win a match rather, just run out of time.
  9. I change my vote from Yoshi to Dark angel
  10. Whats with the random dancing animals in Anime?
  11. See you guys all have the wrong idea, your problem is you don't see that Dark Angel is Mafia.
  12. I'm liking the new profile picture :3

  13. Can we get a updated post count, more often this round please? I need it to see the votes.
  14. Well if y'all are going to kill me might as well help the Mafia, I change my vote from Darkangel to Yoshi1176
  15. Why kill a Mafia and Civi when you could just kill the Mafian, everyone vote DarkAngel. I didn't think it would be so difficult to figure out lol
  16. Okay first off, these aren't supposed to look like a work of art, they are supposed to be bad. Second you say don't make this community look retarded... You took a fun activity that gave people laughs and you're ruining it. Your post about this thread making the community look "retarded" was in itself retarded. You've been here for a REALLY short time so you have no idea what has been done, said, and experienced in this community. This is probably one of the best forums anyone has been on and if you think that this thread is going to represent you and the community bad, you sir have problems. Frankly I think you have represented yourself bad.
  17. Going out on a vacation, see you in a few days

    1. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      Cya Coco1176 , I mean Yoshi1176 :3. Have a great vacation :)

  18. Ok outlast Is scary, I'm about five minutes into it and have almost crapped myself, guess outlast being my first horror game is a good choice

    1. Delpen9


      It's horrifying until you learn the movement patterns of your enemies. Aliens Isolation looks to be more promising.

  19. 1. Caboose the Ace 2. DarkAngel Possible Mafia 3. SiberianHuskyY 4. Bnus Civilian, Killed by Mafia as extra kill due to leaving game, Round 2 5. Connor Kenway 6. Frankenzer Confirmed Mafia 7. Yoshi1176 Possible Mafia according to Self Destruct 8. Unease P34nut Civilian, Killed by Mafia, Round 2 9. Delpen9 10. Twinreaper Detective, Lynched, Round 1 11. Self Destruct Civilian, Killed by Mafia Round 4 12. Ledgend 1221 Mafia, Lynched, Round 2. 13. therubyprincess Mafia, Lynched, Round 3 14. Butch Flowers Medic, Killed by Mafia, Round 1 15. JL Civilian, Killed by Mafia, Round 3 If DarkAngel is on the list I say we try to vote Frank and him off. We may be able to take the last two out this round in a tie, finish the game right here.
  20. Anyone know who Ashleygallagher139 is on Skype?

    1. Maestro




      I have no clue. Check out her profile and see if you can figure out, or just ask her.

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