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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Whats with all the threads being in CAPS?

    1. Sikslik7


      LOUD NOISES!!!!!

    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut


  2. I question JL's decision and that makes me Mafia?
  3. We all know armor lock was the best AA

    1. rrhuntington


      When a vehicle was rushing toward you, Yes.

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      You the real MVP.

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Bubble Buddies, drop shield all day.

  4. RWBY? What is this nonsense?

  5. Welcome to the forum! We hold many playdates and events here so you'll have no problem finding and starting playdates Hope you enjoy your time here, see ya around.
  6. Why do you vote Ledgend? Also I vote Connor Kenway
  7. Name: Yoshi Weapon(s): Silenced SMG and a Magnum Appearance: Short dirty blond hair, 5'9" muscular build. Wears a nice black suit and walks with pride Skills and Powers: Good in close quarters combat, and has the power to persuade people. Bio: Comes from a very prestigous family, he is very well known around the city for his views on politics around the city. He is close friends with many off the Staff, and owns a office on the 10th floor. (I wouldn't mind being and ambassodor for the Dedicated members)
  8. Hehe, reported the Spambot before he even spammed lul

  9. I change my vote from Husky to Twin
  10. Maybe the old hobo drinking scotch is mafia
  11. This was a nice read definitely made me laugh, and GSD's comment... That was the cherry on top haha. Blue is a nice color but we all know dedicated grey is the best color
  12. I won't have computer acces for the next two days due to a **** storm of work to be done, so I won't be as active

  13. Sometimes I need to keep my mouth shut.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Delpen9


      This is a lesson I never had to learn.

    3. Delpen9


      This is a lesson I never had to learn.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Usually, Delpen, that means one day you will.

  14. So you want us to trust you right off the bat?
  15. People still play ODST, just not as much as Reach and Halo 4. We do some Halo ODST playdates once in a while, or if you want you can just ask around and ask someone if they want to play.
  16. Sad to see ya go, it was fun playing Gmod and No More Room In Hell. Haha, we'll figure out how to play that game yet lol. I hope you come back soon.
  17. Well this is an odd one... But congrats to it anyway, after it's month in pink I say we destroy him on account for its rampancy.
  18. The USF is completely trust worthy, we told you everything we know about Classified.
  19. Hmmm.... *takes out walkie talkie* "Bring in the clean up crew" *Walks into private helicopter and flys away*
  20. Good morning citizens of the USF today the USF has Classified, Classified the Classified classified. This allows for even more classified classifieds.

    1. Delpen9


      You're so classy.

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