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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Well first off we are not the actual 343industries. We are just a community forum. I do agree with you, I would like to see some of those glitches and what nots come back. As long as they don't interfere with the multiplayer why not add it? I can think of plenty of games you can play with just the glitches you listed.
  2. Yoshi1176


    From the album: haheha

  3. Yoshi1176


  4. Edward, you've been a great friend throught the months that we have known each other. I'm glad that we got to know each other. RIP. wait what? this isn't a funeral? ah. my apologies. Congrats on the two years! You have really been a friend to me and I wish you the best in the rest of your career here. Again Congrats.
  5. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your time here!
  6. I would like to play, put me down in número 7 please.
  7. 17% battery life, no charger to be found ;_;

  8. I like the Titanfall update

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Coldfreeze
    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Let's wait together Coldfreeze! Teehee!

    4. Coldfreeze


      More as in I like the update, I got the game for my one silly


  9. I like the Titanfall update

  10. I said "XD" after the Yoshi part because it had my name in it. I dislike the anime, the green dude confuses me, whats he supposed to be? Anime drives people insane, Azaxx was so blinded by his Anime that his argument was simply "NO". and he didn't follow the rules about the voting. If he hadn't been poisoned by the Anime he would have followed the rules and made a bigger more swaying argument rather than "no". That is just one example. without Anime we can stop things like that from happening. It also seems like you voted as well, you probably were so blinded by the poison (anime) that you missed the part about how congress is only allowed to vote.
  11. Looking good ;) Baby blue is better than Cyan anyhow

  12. They are a pretty well know company, and like you said they have some good games under their belt. Kind of shows how fragile everything is, it's a shame they can't get their pay.
  13. You guys are allowed to post your opinions and all, we just have the poll reserved for the actual congress, so we know the outcome.
  14. You all know why I won't be present, but I will be there spiritually, have fun guys, enjoy While Maestro attends the inauguration event I'll be here doing some presidential stuff so keep me in your minds.
  15. Congress was chosen by Maestro and I, we took ten of what we thought would make for a good congress, not that you wouldn't good or anything, we simply had our ten picked out.
  16. I personally can't stand anime, I don't care for it, it's silly and doesn't make sense to me. I feel that to much talk of anime could mess up the minds if the forum dwellers ( just look what it's done to Azaxx, jk) I feel that it should be banned from the USF and violators should be executed, erm... I mean fined. Feel free to talk about the poison you call anime outside of the forum but keep the forum clean of the poison.
  17. Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your stay! Also I'm around pretty often so if you need any help just look for me or any other member for help, we tend to be helpful when we feel generous, haha . Again have fun
  18. Congrats to everyone, it's nice seeing some new faces hit the list this week. Definitely good choices as always. Keep up the good work everyone
  19. My profile was lacking Conan, so I added more!

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I heard you like Conan, so we put some more Conan in your Conan.

  20. It had a BR on it when I had judged it he changed his sig. 10/10 The letters look nice and the colors play out nicely.
  21. Well Halo 2 Anniversary is actually going to be included in the Master Cheif collection wich will launch with Halo CE, 2, 3, 4. It will also have Halo 5's Beta and the Halo nightfall series. This will be available this November. This will include every map DLC included, and all their multiplayers. Halo 5 will be available holiday 2015.
  22. Looks great thanks, and yes it was a bit odd but I guess that fits me pretty good lol.
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