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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Went to Six flags yesterday (an amusement park), was amazing we got to go on some good rollercoasters. Felt bad for the animals though.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      No it was six flags discovery kingdom, I do want to go to magic mountain though.

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Magic mountain is amazing, I highly recommend it.

    4. Yoshi1176


      Thats down near LA right? I could probably go when I go down to visit the family. Lot of coasters?

  2. Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy yourself as much as I do here. Have fun follow the rules join some community events, See ya around.
  3. Well from the few videos I saw it looks like armor that Halo 4 did with the newer armor sets, we will probably see some classics return as well although the majority will probably be newer armor sets.
  4. 1. Banner 2.Default banner size (for my about me page) 3. Professinal but not boring if that makes sense 4.Light blues/greys 5.http://media-cache-cd0.pinimg.com/736x/b9/7a/21/b97a2134b4cdffa8933ece17f248b84c.jpg (If possible just him) 6. Background: your choice something that looks good 7. Yoshi1176 8.Font your choice 9.Effects your choice 10.Positions: Conan in the center and then Yoshi1176 Above him with the background coming out on both sides.
  5. So much to do so little time

  6. Watched NonStop today, great movie very interesting

    1. Composite Armour
    2. Akali


      Rude to be on your phone during a movie Yoshi...

  7. Coach logic: "nice job with the conditioning men! Now let's wind down with ten 100 yard sprints!"

  8. My legs! Were are my legs? 63! Ahh!

  9. How about Pirate Ship battles on Halo 3? One team gets and elephant the other team gets the other, you could drive up next to each other and board each other and fight with swords. And if there is a way to do killzones you can make it so you can't touch the ground and only spawn in the elephant. More or less a game instead of a playdate, but if I heard this was going to be at a playdate I would definitly join.
  10. First Congress of the USF This is the home of the Congress of the USF these 10 patriots have proven themselves worthy of serving their forum as the first Congress in forum history! Congressman is important job, because they will be voting for the members of the forum, voting against or for important bills. They have demonstrated great diplomatic skills and wisdom beyond their years. Through times of hardship and times of glory, they have held their heads up high, and the time has come for them to put their prowess to use. On this day, let it be known that their names will forever be in the history books as the USF's first congressmen! As congressmen, they shall have the power to influence decisions critical to the prosperity of the USF and shape the very future of our proud nation. We are trusting them to make the right decisions in times of peril and to help us lead the USF with honesty and integrity. Please welcome your congressmen! Drizzy_Dan Total Mayh3m Sikslik7 Edward Kenway BeckoningZebra1 -Sparky- D-38 Boss Ledgend1221 Self Destruct Bnus Helping to lead the congress is the Speaker of the house: Spyro This is the home thread of the Congress, so once voting starts discuss here. Please only vote if you are in congress.
  11. Welcome to the forums! If you want to get back into Halo check out some of the community events! See ya around.
  12. Welcome to the forum! If you need any help just ask around, see ya around!
  13. Haven't been in the shoutbox as much as I wanted the last few days, I should be back soon.

  14. Halo CEA cost $59.99 at release, so Halo 2 Anniversary would cost the same, so really your getting Halo 2 Aniversary and three free games with the bonuses.
  15. You are buying four games a show and beta access for the price of one new game, it's going to have some reimagined maps and all + plus it lets us play Halo on the Xbox One for instead of waiting for 2015. While you don't have to buy it it would be a fun thing to get in my opinion.
  16. Lots of awseome stuff happened this last week! Great wrapup
  17. Playing Halo 3 with the little bro, trying to get him off CoD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BeckoningZebra1
    3. Coldfreeze



    4. rrhuntington


      But this Game's too slow and I can't AIM DOWN MY SIGHTS!!!


  18. Well alot of people wanted a Halo 2 anniversary, and they gave us the whole shabang. I like it because it will allow me to join community events once again and it'll let me play all the Halo's again on the Xbox one. They are giving us a lot for what the price they are asking. Of course they want money, but in no way is this some cheap way for them to get quick bucks, this benefits us greatly.
  19. why would that be better? It helps you know who is interested in your content.
  20. Nein

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Coldfreeze


      Aber so Yoshi, mein Deutsch is nicht gut aber, mein wafen ist.

    3. Twinreaper


      Your German is fine Coldfreeze.... Mine is rusty as hell!

    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Oh yes yes yes yes yes!

  21. Boltshot But really I love that gun it has served me well and I don't care what others say or think about it, its a great gun that works good in close quarters.
  22. The Machine gun warthog, it is an original and it has served its purpose on many occasions. In multiplayer its well balanced because if you have a good teammate in the warthog it could be devastating, but also if you have a bad driver or gunner you will be picked off quickly. It also requires some skill to drive over and around all those rocks in order to avoid flipping, or when you do flip to come out right side up.
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