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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Defiance comes back on in 8 days. Can't wait

  2. Defiance comes back on in 8 days. Can't wait

  3. Well if the Arbiter is working for him I doubt they are against Cheif, I don't see Cheif and the Arbiter being enemies this soon if at all. Unless one of the two is just using the other to get to Cheif for their own needs.
  4. Like he said above, they won't put it on 360. The collection and Halo 5 will be getting a lot of people to buy the new Xbox so Microsoft would want to keep it like that so as many Xbox Ones are purchased as possible. Plus the graphics changes are being made for xbox one not 360.
  5. I, Yoshi1176 , do solemnly affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the forums according to law and faithfully execute the Office of President of the United Forums. So help me Twam!!!!! Maestro, shall we make a speech?
  6. If there is going to be a halo Xbox One, it'll probably be for Halo 5. Since the collection has 4 games in it it would be easier to make a console for one game rather 4 different ones.
  7. Wow 343's presentation yesterday got us a lot of new members

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      "It's the most wonderful time of the year!" :DD

    2. Sikslik7


      Welcome back to the old days....

  8. Well we are not actually 343 we are a community, Waypoint is actual 343. But all the same we are all pumped here to be able to look forward to the upcoming games.
  9. I think what they mean by that is that they are putting the old maps in and the re-done anniversary ones.
  10. I can guarantee you it will not go on to PC. They need it to boost Xbox sales like Azaxx said. Besides Microsoft and 343 are going to focus on the new generation consoles more than 360 let alone PC. A petition isn't going to help.
  11. Welcome to the forum! Hope to see you around. Enjoy!
  12. For search and destroy they just need to bring back Assualt and tweak a few settings in the gamemode.
  13. Most of the community is pumped for the Anniversary as well, welcome to the forums!
  14. They may have some sort of pre order bonus, like a statue or something but probably not in game because its no new content. Also if they do it'll probably be all the same for all of the retailers because you won't be getting armor skins or anything because they won't matter as much as they did for Halo 4.
  15. Did we just see the Infinity destroyed in the Halo 5 cutscene?

  16. Master Chief Collection wishes, hopes, and worries. Well, the collection has been confirmed and we can expect the collection this November. But with any new thing, and something on this scale you must have some wishes hopes or worries. Go ahead and and post yours here and someone else can add their ideas to try to help you. What do you expect, is this going to be a let down or will this be a big bag of fun nostalgia? Discuss below
  17. One more to tie it up, get those votes in.
  18. One vote behind and only a few hours to go. You guys want your voices heard? Help a forum brother out.
  19. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your time here and see ya around.
  20. There is betrayal amongst our ranks, some one has swapped their vote to Maestro! This treason will not go un-punished.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azaxx


      Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be all come around for you both

    3. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Maestro's time has finally arrived.

    4. Drizzy_Dan


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  21. Austin told me to show you around the forums.
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