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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. 73 degrees at 10:30 outside with iced tea. Nice

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      oh k otherwise you might not have fared well if it was Celsius

    3. Frankenzer


      British people be like dude WTF are you okay mate?

    4. Akali


      Meanwhile in Britain ...

  2. Going to be outta town for a few days see ya soon!

  3. No... not this time... one will come out on top.
  4. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay here! Word of advice: Stay away from Azaxx. I also enjoy football, I play for my highschool.
  5. Happy Birthday! And trust me I knew before the status update.....

    1. Twinreaper


      O_O I haz stalkerz?!? Sweet! Thanks Yoshi!

  6. Grandmas are for pwning noobs. Hopefully some of you know were thats from, anyway welcome to the forums hope you enjoy your stay.
  7. Yoshi1176


    Yeah but it's one of those things that will be there, especially for the new console.
  8. Yoshi1176


    It's been in every recent major Halo game, I think it's safe to say yes it will return. 343 would be stupid to not include forge.
  9. Beautiful as always Drizzy! Nice to see all the community events, and Spyros presidential race is fun as always.
  10. Welcome to the forum! Everyone here likes Halo as well (big shocker right?). Anywho see you around sometime !
  11. This is just a community forum we are not 343i. So we do not know, one can only hope.
  12. Sir I think you voted for the wrong person by accident.
  13. Hey, what a surprise we are tied AGAIN.
  14. 2 hours till polls close and still a tie. This is going to be one for the books!
  15. I'm not going to say bye, just see ya later hopefully soon. Good luck
  16. Polls are still tied, I hope you guys vote for the right guy

  17. Actually had someone to play Titanfall with today

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      I do have my 360 still but I can't play with anyone in it from some parental controls... Go ahead and laugh

      Anyway the controls didn't carry over to xbox one that's why I can play with you guys.

    3. Twinreaper


      Darn man. If I ever get an Xbox One I'll hit you up.

    4. Vaulting♥Frog


      I only play on the 360 otherwise I would catch a few games with you. Working on making it to gen 10 right now. Hoping to get it before the DLC release for the 360

  18. This is getting to close for comfort
  19. I would definitely play this! And I would live to be in it.
  20. Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy it here because I know I do.
  21. Ohmergerd, yes. And not just Elites maybe even some prometheans or other covenant species. It could be a gamemode that plays like invasion but each team is a different race.
  22. If you know he could that implies he has done it before and may do it again.
  23. Shrek wants peace yet he makes vegetables cry, drowns fish and kills rocks burns ants and so on. How is that peacefull? Your whole thread contridicts what you are trying to say.
  24. I liked the campaign of Homefront but I didn't care for the multiplayer. If I do get this it won't be at launch.
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