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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I would like to wish Maestro good luck! We will see who comes out on top soon.
  2. We don't negotiate with terrorists!
  3. Lol, congrats JX hope you enjoy your pink and maybe just maybe you can enjoy that minty green color soon.
  4. Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy it here and I'll see ya around!
  5. Woah woah slow down. I did not attack Caboose I merely had a counter to his repetitive Shrek posts. And why do I dislike equality?
  6. Just send your votes my way this way we don't have a president who worship Shrek like Maestro.
  7. This is what I think of Shrek
  8. Okay, yet he looks nothing and acts nothing like shrek. Do you guys have anything else besides shrek? And remember: This we do know: Our cause is just; our cause is moral; our cause is right. Vote Yoshi1176
  9. This we do know: Our cause is just; our cause is moral; our cause is right.
  10. This we do know: Our cause is just; our cause is moral; our cause is right. Vote Yoshi1176

  11. The fact you don't know the face of your "leader" is just plain sad.
  12. Okay I'm not even going to get started on the whole Mexican thing with you lol the way you said it came off a bit rude but oh well. Like they said above you cannot change or prefer what country you play with but you can just add some friends or play customs that speak your language and you like. Plus Grifball is known for being betryal central so you have to expect that going into a lobby. Thats the main reason I don't play Grifball.
  13. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) This is the face of lies and evil. You all know who has that face, be carefull when voting people don't fall for Maestro's evil plot.
  14. The people need to rise up and get their voice heard! who will lead them? Yoshi of course vote Yoshi!

  15. It was a normal day, looking online at Halo stuff when I found the site, I joined and posted a thread similar to Twinreapers 5 word halo story. About 5 people replied lol. I left after that day because I wasn't interested but I was slowly drawn back I then found myself talking to Skys alot. I didn't do much when I first arrived I barely posted back then. Most of the time I was just in the shoutbox watching Azaxx and Sykowolf.
  16. Thats your excuse? Doesn't look like your "Shrek legion" knows what they are doing.
  17. You said that for about five other contestants yesterday.
  18. The Shrek supporters keep changing votes to other canidates. Kind of shows the trust level of their whole group. Why can't they stand behind one guy? weakness thats why. Vote Yoshi!

    1. Twinreaper


      That's because the voting isn't done properly

    2. Silent Orbis
  19. Why don't you stand with one canidate?! It seems your shrek guy is weak if you have to keep jumping canidates.
  20. Shrek is a disease taht needs a cure. Vote for Yoshi and it will be cured! #Yoshiforpresident2014notshrekokaythanksforvoting

  21. Hey, theres a problem with the question six on my interveiw. probably just a copy/paste error if you could fix that when you get a chance that would be great. no big deal though. Great interviews by the way.
  22. Good thing the forum doesn't have money to be in debt. lol
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