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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. UPDATE: The shrek lovers are literally changing there votes over and over again to keep me out of the running. How cowardly if your going to beat me beat me in a refined manner please. Maybe some actual campaigning?
  2. Hey guys, I would just like to remind you to vote for yoshi.... It seems some of you have accidently voted for the wrong person

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheBritishSpartan


      Hmm. I suppose, We are ban buddies and all.

    3. Gemini Dragons

      Gemini Dragons

      NOOO! stay away from the dark side, they may have cookies but we the middle intent have all the sweets you can imagine!

    4. Yoshi1176


      I am not the darkside... I mean look at my title it says dedicated don't you want some one dedicated for president?

  3. Thanks to all who voted for the right choice! Spread the word! Also maybe can we get this thread on top of the shoutbox?
  4. I enjoy the flag assassination. What's not fun about stabbing and beating someone with a giant flag?
  5. Welcome to the forum, I trust that you will enjoy yourself here. See ya around!
  6. No, I'm just gathering support and what not. I'm not sure when the polls are going up so I want to campaign a little.
  7. Yoshi For President This is the campaign thread for the peoples voice, Yoshi1176! You may be asking why vote for Yoshi? Well it is simple really, I here what you guys have to say, I can voice your concerns and issues and get them fixed. As president I will help rid the forum of all bad things like Shrek. ---- Credentials: I am one of few canidates that can say they are not communist. I know a lot of people on the site and have no problem talking to everyone I studied at Harvard ---- You have anything that you want voiced? Post it below! If you want to help support your voice and friend wear one of these snazy signatures - Thanks to Vitamin PWN for making these so wonderfully! -Supporters- 1.Vitamin PWN
  8. Okay guys summers here and I have free time, Hope your ready for more Yoshi then ever!

    1. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      My body is ready!

    2. rrhuntington


      but your mind is not.

    3. Delpen9


      My spirit can handle it. I am the avatar.

  9. See ya Orbis, Hopefully we can get you back again! I'm sad that I haven't talked to you much lately just been unable to get on a lot lately. I'll see ya around sometime in the future though. Remember you always have a home here!
  10. Thanks guys! And i would like to thank everyone else for keeping this forum amazing! Congrats everyone!
  11. Won't be on much today because of a wedding, have. Nice day guys see ya tomorrow

  12. I didn't care for it. The story wasn't that interesting to me and I didn't care for the animation or characters. The flood did look awseome though.
  13. Do you take me for some sort of fool?* does this meet your criteria Delpen?

  14. Do you take me as some sort of fool!?

    1. Delpen9


      for* not as* ; yes, yes I do

  15. Do you take me as some sort of fool!?

  16. If I pass my spanish oral tomorrow I will have finished he year with straight A's

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Is not JL
    3. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Yeah, Yoko. You're Chinese, so you prob use different grading system.

    4. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      I use the british grading system


      where pass = c



  17. Than you better hope everyone has DLC, not everything is going to be easy. As far as I remember , the DLC playlist is on rotation with the others but I'm not sure. And there are other people you just have to give it time, make an advertisment and or clan for playing on DLC.
  18. Welcome to the community! I love the lore surrounding Halo as well. Hope to see you around the forum sometime!
  19. What is your career goal/ if you are going to go to college what do you want to major in?
  20. Okay but only one will be President maybe two if its like last time so your strength in numbers thing doesn't matter.
  21. The fact that it takes three to take on an individual shows weekness.
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