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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. This just keeps looking like they took Titanfalls ideas and stuck it into a normal Call Of Duty.
  2. Welcome to the Forum Hope you enjoy your time here as much as I do.
  3. They are "covenant" but are a separate rebel faction. If you play spartan ops you see some of there leaders, and what gap between halo 3 and 4. You have to remember that there is a four year gap between the two.
  4. My laptop is on the horizon, normal activity will resume soon

  5. Wraiths exploding and full fledged fighting and a guys sleeping, XD Great chapter btw
  6. The abilities section makes it sound like TitanFall. Still looks interesting though.
  7. Nice to meet you, hope you enjoy your stay. Any questions? Just ask !
  8. Yes, and like Mayh3m said, they need to carry it out in a helpful manner. Not just something people can play just to play. I think 343 could execute the game much better at launch with a beta.
  9. I think it was yang that's the second time he has been up. That doesn't necessarily mean anything but oh well I will make my decision later.
  10. Congrats! Nice to see some of the old farts come back to the job
  11. Sitting at the airport with nothing to do

    1. Coldfreeze


      bust a move, make those people dance!

    2. Delpen9


      It's time for a flash mob.

    3. Sadly Just AL
  12. Actually I think Bnus is on to something...
  13. What about you Silent? What do you know about Mafia
  14. Like they said above, they swap in playlists periodically. Best bet is to just get some friends and play some customs.
  15. Leaving for L.A. in the morning, I will check in have a nice weekend and see ya next week ;)

  16. What? I need to go recount the votes I guess.
  17. Great to see new videos coming in, great work Bnus.
  18. No that's fine, you will all see soon enough.
  19. You'll miss me when I'm gone, I can help you guys along quite easily. Go ahead kill me
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