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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Great MoM post I hope yo enjoy your month. #Azaxxpls
  2. Well my computer is fried, so I will be less active for longer than I hoped. But I will be around.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Fried computer sounds tasty

    3. Fishy


      Really... Well shucks.

    4. The Stig

      The Stig

      I really do hope you can get your computer fixed! This place wouldn't be the same without you! :)

  3. I'm really excited for the next chapter, good job.
  4. It also said kill Bnus the rest was about my earlier suspicions and mayhem
  5. Delpen basicaly told me to vote for you, now he is making me a target. Delpen is trying to kill Protown from the inside.
  6. I vote Bnus, And sorry Rose I just assumed...
  7. Congrats! Enjoy the pink, also im digging that new name... Anyway enjoy your month and keep up the great work!
  8. Axilus you have mailz. My top three suspects right now are Ruby, Silent, and Bnus. Ruby because she has been attempting to throw Delpen under the bus (he may be Mafia as well) Silent because we haven't seen much of her, she could be watching picking us off one at a time. And Bnus, he is all over the place lately so I can't help but belive he is Mafia or assisting Mafia.
  9. Well your not exactly trustworthy either. Actually you are quite suspicious now that I think of it.
  10. Actually, you are using "big" words... Look at that font compared to Delpen's...
  11. This has to be one of the best MoM posts ever. *lays flower on grave* You were a great MoM... Hope you enjoyed your month.
  12. Welcome to the forums I'm sure you'll love it here, alot of us have been here for at least two years so it must be good. Hope to see ya around the shoutbox and in the forums!
  13. At this point can you even believe yourself?
  14. *whispers* Ban Edward, he is a burden

    1. Delpen9


      Sounds like you did more than whisper. :3

  15. I agree with this. I remember when I got my venator helmet after all those assassinations, it felt great because of the work I put into it and the fact that I had it before my friends
  16. I will be less active till I get my computer fixed, but I will still be here.

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      Hope repairs are quick :)

  17. My computer is being a butthead.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Oh man, told anyone about it?

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Okey. PC is prepped for launch. In 3... 2... 1... *People outside of building see a Screen and Modem fly out of someone's window*

    4. Yoshi1176


      Not yet I am going to talk to someone though.

  18. Bump. Don't want the thread to get lost.
  19. Since you have to positions, if we find another person with the ability to do one of those we will give them the one you want the least. Unless you want to carry on both of those which is fine.
  20. The age was just so we can guess how dependable you are,
  21. I am merely a messenger talk to Edward about the Orbis thing. Last time I checked he had been planning this for a while and never got around to it but like I said idk. Everything else will be looked over and decided.
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