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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Redcoat The game: After a bloody and gruesome civil war in the US, a rag-tag group of rebellious militia known as Redcoats retreated underground, ruining most of the landscapes above. Many years later we ascend from the darkness only to find the New World a mystic and rustic paradise, but what lies beneath this paradise is humanity's own perdition as Wildlife, Machines, and Psychotic Bandits from the Old World remain in the scattered and destroyed society, you, as a member of the Redcoats, must explore and advance in this frightening heaven and decide for yourself whether the world above is truly better in our hands, or the hands of mother nature. We are looking for people that will help put the game together, Application 1. Position (design, music, etc) 2. Past experience 3. What can you bring to the table? 4. When are you most readily available? 5. Any questions? For any additional information contact Edward Kenway or Yoshi1176
  2. Yay! Sunburn to half of my body and a broken toe. What a day

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      It's TOEtally not, so dont't blame it on me.

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      such tan

      so skin

      much flaky

    4. GryffinGuy007


      See, THIS is what happens when people go... outside.

  3. Congrats everyone, like Ed said this place couldn't be the same without the love and suport of everyone. Congrats
  4. I really liked that death scene to be honest it was comical.
  5. This is, good... lol. I just see one problem, no Yoshi in there lol.
  6. I started playing Halo around Halo 3 time, until then I didn't even play video games. After Halo 3 I went back and played the other Halos and I have loved it ever since.
  7. Is it a special type of armor or all armor? If it is all then no, ain't nobody got time for that. If its for a certain helmet or whatever yeah, that would be a good Idea, give people something to aim for.
  8. I talked to Vin last night, and we decided I can run the Advertisment dept. So, if you would like my help I am in.
  9. Just owned in Titanfall lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yoshi1176
    3. Yoshi1176


      Maybe we can get an event going in the next few weeks

    4. Fishy


      Oh not on the Xbox One, yet.

  10. You have mail actually, it will be explained. It was just precautions. Edit: I somewhat expected you to come out and tell people what I had told you, so I stopped using that PM. And either way now you have Pro-town against me and MAFIA against me, Great job
  11. Bnus just slapped me in the shoutbox, how dare he
  12. Yoshi1176

    face 3

    From the album: haheha

  13. Yeah I know. I thought they were and then you guys said no and then you guys said they were,lol
  14. Those look beautiful, I got Titanfall about a week ago and haven't had any complaints about except that you level up to fast. The war games map looks amazing, I'm definitely picking this DLC up.
  15. My chops have been busted

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Wouldn't the correct term be, chopped up?

  16. Yoshi1176

    My BFFL

    From the album: Azaxx is my BFFL

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