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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Just made my breakfast, two waffles with cream cheese and I found some red sprinkles so those went on as well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sιlεƞτ Aʟρнα

      Sιlεƞτ Aʟρнα

      That sounds like an interesting waffle XD

    3. Sadly Just AL
    4. Yoshi1176


      @Sparky, I wish... we never have it in the house for some reason

  2. I do like rocks.... How does one join the corps?
  3. Interesting find Stig! May I also point out that the forum turned 3 this year.
  4. Yep I know Illuminati is around just look at that triangle
  5. Sorry can't hear you all I hear is, Blah blah news blah blah conspiracy blah.
  6. Sorry for the small pictures guys I am trying to fix this.
  7. It would be more convincing if my pictures worked...
  8. Anyone willing to help me fix the pictures in my conspiracy thread will be rewarded

    1. MCPO Mayh3m
    2. Yoshi1176


      Mayh3m is being a brat anyone else?

  9. Well it seems our good friends that staff are trying to pull one over on us... again. During the April 1st mayhem the staff forum was made visible I happened to find some evidence that proves the staff was planning something. I didn't have time to capture everything but I happened to catch a few of the posts in May3ms thread. Here they are... ​So what do you think of all the corrupt mischievous things they are trying to pull behind our back? I think I broke my pictures, one second...
  10. Great post Peanut! Hope you enjoy your month in Pink! *Credits to Yoshi for letting him know he has to make a MoM post*
  11. Oh so you haven't played Halo 4? The Mammoth is practicaly a suped up version of the elephant, it can hold four hogs or two hogs and a few mongooses from my experience on the game, two racked and two on the floor. The interior has a few monitors and weapon racks, It's pretty nicely decorated and suprisingly spacious considering all inside. You have a deck outside that houses jetpacks and rocket turrents.
  12. Are you talking about the Mammoth in Halo 4?
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