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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. Okay then, well played Stig, well played.
  2. Thats what I was thinking, I don't even understand how companys work.
  3. Forget that Report, Could have sworn it was in a different forum. hmm

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      It was, I moved it as you reported it

  4. We are not 343 we are just a Community that likes Halo. We have no power over Halo 4.
  5. Welcome to the Community! Hope you enjoy it, see ya round the forums. Also good luck on your way to Inheritor, it's definitly a long road.
  6. Just because you do Breaking Bad doesn't mean your any better! @Church

  7. I'm shaking with fear... HAHAHAHA Church you make me laugh

  8. Church is a man of trickery and disgust stay away from him

  9. I support this! He is mad with power.
  10. Yeah I see were your coming from, it would be a way to gain more popularity for Halo. Which in turn would help the Xbox Halo community at least a little. Eh what the hell, I'll sign it.
  11. Let me rephrase that, If they didn't play Halo already they won't now because it's on Steam. The only people I can see playing it is people that played it on Xbox already. It would probably be a waste of time for Microsoft to do that now that 343 is making Halo 5 and possibly Halo 2 anniversary. Besides Halo is one of the few good Xbox exclusives, I don't see them getting rid of that. I'm ot exactly a know it all on this stuff so what I'm saying may be completely wrong, just saying what I'm thinking.
  12. How would it increase sales for another game? If they didn't have the Xbox before they aren't going to buy it now because of an old game they like.
  13. Oh dear, what'd I get myself into? I agree with Micheal Scott up there
  14. Needlers have always been powerful, thats likely why they weren't added as a covenant loadout option in Halo 4. I don't mind it though the power you get is stabalized by the amount of ammo you get for it.
  15. Well then, today has been an eventful day. I have absolutely no idea what is truth and what is just some prank but I have some things to say. First off Happy retirement to Twam, thanks for the chance you have given all of us. Were would we all be with out you? Second Congrats to Peanut on MoM. Third, I knew there was something to that conspiracy!

  16. Congratulations Peanut, Enjoy your month in Pink buddy! Keep up the awesome work!
  17. Spilled woman's perfume on me while running through a dark garage, yay...

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      At least you smell nice. ^_^

  18. The show is great in my opinion, Plot is original and nicely played. The characters are enjoyable and spark interest and anger along with every emotion in between. For those who have watched the whole season here is one of my questions:
  19. Whats the prank I see nothing different

    1. Maestro


      You didn't miss out on much. A bunch of staff members got in an argument in the box and then said "April Fool's!"

    2. Yoshi1176
    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      The joke is that April Fools is tomorrow.

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