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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I agree with this, it would be fun to mess with these things.
  2. Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy it here stop by the shoutbox sometime
  3. This post made me so happy. Didact though, he was pretty interesting and I am sure he will be returning.
  4. The New Years one was really fun, won't be able to attend anything but I am all for promoting Community building activites.
  5. I wanna be in "the loop"

  6. I don't think it should be on Steam, Spartan Assualt is okay and I don't mind it on Steam but Halo 2 should stay as is and if the Anniversary comes out remain on Xbox only. Halo should remain on Xbox for here on out, no other consoles or anything.
  7. Two people would be better I am thinking. Athens, nothing better than a good navy :3
  8. From what I have seen from Spartan Assault I would go with Halo Wars. Spartan Assault just didn't entertain me as much as Wars did. Don't get me wrong though Spartan Assault isn't bad just not my cup of tea.
  9. Welcome to the site Do us all a favor and give Boss a hard time when you see him. Any who stop by the shoutbox and say hi, or participate in one of the events. See ya around.
  10. Welcome to the forums! Glad to have you here, enjoy your stay and if you need anything don't be afraid to ask
  11. As said above anyone that never used theirs have given theirs away by now because of how long ago Reach was released. This is a nice community though and you should stay, full of friendly people.
  12. Get some posts in and drop by the shout box. Welcome to the forums :)

  13. I don't think I have been more bored in my life

    1. Maestro


      See status below. 18 minutes of music ought to change that.

  14. Yoshi1176


    From the album: Thought this was funny

    I made this in Paint, this should go into the Smithsonian

    © yes

  15. Yoshi1176

    Thought this was funny

  16. Yeah this is pretty much it, we need new games to be released, a PC game won't help that much and it doesn't have the type of demand that other games would have.
  17. Those look nice I like the plasma rifle, Before you make the locust how about you make a Yoshi, something that looks nice ya know
  18. Forza gets old after a few weeks, I need to go get a copy of Titanfall.

  19. Great interview you two! Those gifs though... very mysterious. If only more information was revealed... but I guess if your a Ninja you can't go out telling everyone your business.
  20. 10 day vacation after today! Can't wait to be able to sleep in.

  21. They are probably fan made ones or off custom mug sites. I think the picture of the coffee mug was just a reference to the First strike novel.
  22. Congratulations everyone! It's a group effort, the members are what makes the forums. Again congrats to everyone.
  23. سعيدة الثالثة الجميع عيد ميلاد. حان الوقت الحزب
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