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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I also would like to see the return of some sort of UNSC air vehicle whether it be a Falcon, Hornet or something new. Just another flying vehicle, they are fun to use and are good for larger maps.
  2. A girl in my class today asked if Africa was a continent... this is the same girl that until recently thought that islands floated. This makes me sad.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      Well that's different Sparky

    3. Azaxx


      What's a POW/MIA flag?

    4. Yoshi1176


      Prisoner of war/Missing in action

  3. Active Camo, Auto sentry and thruster pack should go in my opinion. Active camo should be a limited ability that you pick up like in Halo 3. The thruster pack was unneeded in my opinion, and the sentry was pretty weak and generally not needed.
  4. That actually doesn't sound bad, Grunts deserve something that can keep them alive for a few extra seconds.
  5. I want to see Cheif's armor stay the same as in halo 4, it looked really strong and it was pretty sexy if I may say so myself. Hayabusa helmets returning again would be awesome. But I feel they would look a lot different than in Halo 3.
  6. How are you guys liking TitanFall so far?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      Oh I forgot... 360 XD

    3. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      Tis very nice... tis very fun. :3

    4. The Stig

      The Stig

      I'm enjoying, just seeing how much others enjoy it! :)

  7. I don't think that needs to be added. When you get in a vehicle with a random you know that this guy may get you killed, so if you don't like it only get in with players you know. Also there is part in the loadouts that allows you to live after your vehicle explodes which could buy you those few precious seconds to get to cover. So if your one that uses the vehicles a lot I suggest getting that one.
  8. Well baby dispensers aye? Please refer to any of the junior girls at my highschool...
  9. Well this is one of the oddest intros I've seen in a while, Welcome to the forums though!
  10. What do you guys prefer reading? Halo novels or Halo Comics?

    1. GermanShepherdD
    2. Spyro


      The correct term is graphic novels.

    3. Yoshi1176


      Okay graphic novels

  11. Welcome back Bagels! Glad your back with us.
  12. Reach isn't dying, the population has been pretty steady lately. Once the next Halo releases we will probably see a fall in population but that's to be expected. I highly doubt any changes will be made to Halo Reach now, the playlists and maps that are there will probably remain forever. I still don't have a problem with Reach its fun to play regardless of the game modes, and if you want to play hockey or any of the other actionsack games just make them or download them and play customs with your friends.
  13. I doubt the Phantom will be playable, what we need is to be able to drive the mammoth. I would also love to see the Mantis return, it was fun walking around in them. I would like to see the Revanent return though it was a good halfway mark between the Ghost and Wraith
  14. This is just a community forum bud, But yes they should keep it as close to original as possible.
  15. Who wants to stay up late with Yoshi?

    1. Delpen9
    2. Yoshi1176
    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I was literally just on, but I'm off to bed. SelfDestruct217 is the name for future encounters.

  16. Hey! welcome to the forums We have quite a few very experienced forgers here that I think you'll like to meet. See ya around!
  17. Grunts vs Cavemen Both are idiots in their own way.
  18. War thunder is a great game, that would be fun for a playdate. Rust or Garrys Mod are tons of fun to play.
  19. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) This face needs to be destroyed... ​Besides that everything else is awesome! Great job Drizzy.
  20. Congrats on the job man! Welcome to the forums, if you ever get bored stop by the Shoutbox for a chat or hop on Xbox for one of our community events!
  21. These are pretty good! Make sure you post these in the gallery so they don't get lost. I used to love taking screen shots but because In Halo 4 you can only take them in matchmaking so I don't as often.
  22. this is accurate. Besides that enjoy your stay! If you ever get bored try hoping into the Shoutbox or one of the community events!
  23. JL is right, the ordnance drops were not bad I like them and so did others. But the rewards that come down should be in comparison to how the person plays. You play better you get more powerful weapons, you play badly you get pulse grenades. You should be rewarded for playing better than another player.
  24. This week has been a killer at school and it's only Wednesday

  25. Wasn't on today because I spent 6 hours on homework tonight with all the work I need to do, three hours on quadratics alone...

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