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Everything posted by Chirf

  1. I'm not saying 30 is bad. I was just wondering what the frame rate actually WAS. I would like to see higher frame rate but it wouldn't stop me from buying it if they kept it at 30
  2. It's hard to tell the frame rate off youtube videos lol is this another 30 fps or did they bump it to 45 fps?
  3. OMG THANK YOU! I thought that was the new Halo standard now... only like two weapons on the map and everything else was from an ordinance drop lol So do they have regular slayer? Where you spawn with one primary and run around the map picking up weapons?
  4. Your comment intrigued me... Lol how is it a bit cartoony? Is there a hint of cell shading or something? I actually don't have a problem with cartoony like things if you mean more elaborate (and perhaps unnecessary) animations.
  5. Will I be spending more time calling in weapon drops or will there actually be weapons ON the map. The whole ordinance drop thing sounds like an alright idea, but if it's the ONLY way to get weapons then... wtf. I mean, I know there is a carbine or two lying around, but will maps still have FULL weapon placement, or just a couple things lying around that don't matter? I want to love Halo 4... lol but it's hard
  6. Long story short, I actually haven't had ANY good images of Halo 4 that really showed me how it looked. I mean, I have youtube videos I can look at, but it's really hard for me to compare the graphics to other games that way. For anyone who may have played at Comicon or somewhere else, or just has a GOOD idea of what it looks like, could you compare the graphics to another game? How do they compare to Halo Reach? Is there still a grainy effect on the screen like from Reach? (hope not) Is there still motion blur like In Reach? (hope not)
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