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Everything posted by Vazdan64

  1. "This is my rifle, this my gun. This is for fight, and this is for fun." - Full Metal Jacket
  2. LOL Princess Luna http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M14_rifle
  3. I prefer the Reach firefight. As it is, the amount of gametypes the Reach one has is greater, and more varied than in ODST.
  4. Real world: 1. AK-47 2. Colt Python 3. M249 SAW 4. Steyur AUG 5. Remmington 700 Halo Universe: 1. Assault Rifle 2. Battle Rifle 3. Sniper Rifle 4. Plasma Rifle 5. Rocket Launcher
  5. I'm a big fan of the Elder Scrolls series. I tend to play alot more RPGs than FPS, but love both genres just as much.
  6. Hello everyone I'm new here. I look foward to getting involed in the site, and getting to know the titanic Halo gaming community.
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