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Any thoughts? I would love to see them return. Adds some more tactical moves to the game. Would be cool with some new once too...
r1kkie started following Drop-in/Drop-out of matches now? , Do you want equipment back in Halo 4? , The one problem I have with the button layout... and 6 others
As long as I can shoot, jump, throw grenade, melee without dropping the sticks with my thumbs Im happy. Just like bumber jumper in reach.
As long as gamers want to play it why not? If this will mean more people will play H4 longer its a good thing.
- I would prefer dedicated servers, and was great during CS big time, but that will probably never happen. - A better way to limit the search of players in matchmaking. I live in Sweden and I don't want to be matched to people outside Europe. If the host becomes outside Europe there will be to much lagg for me to enjoy the game. - We need to be able to see our latency during game time. Kind of a big deal to see what our delay is so you can adjust your play style accordingly. These bar-thing doesn't say anything. Never seems to work in any Halo game. - To be able to join a game in session is not good imo. The player that joins have no clue when powerweopens spawn, where opponents is located and might be thrown in a game where the team is losing badly. Its just not fair. For me the reach server system has been much better then Halo 3. I experienced much more lagg in Halo 3 then in Reach.
Havent read the hole thread. I agree on some points and disagree on others. They defiantly have to do something about a "ranking" system of some sort. Especially in Dubbles. Me and my friend play dubbles alot. Don't want to brag or anything but we are kind of good in it. The problem is when we are match with with two guys playing splitscreen and has played like 10 games in reach total. The score will end something near to 25-0 unless they quit before the game ends with happens most of the time. This is not fun to either one of us in the game. For us with more experience its just a wast of time with no challenge at all. For the beginners they don't stand a chance and no fun for them either. Somehow they need to implement a "ranking" system that won't let us play against these kind of beginners. The most fun matches we played is these games when the scores is tied through the entire game due to similar skills and experience to the game. Have fun!
Until they let you be able to design maps in different environments and not the same pattern on all blocks there will never be a good forge map imo. They all lock the same and boring as hell. No color at all, just grey and boring. I I rather play the original maps then the forge map. They all look the same and boring... Not even the remake of the Pit in mlg is fun due to the pattern of all blocks. There are no heart in these maps. ... Pinnacle, Asylum, Think Twice, and alot more are garbage... :/
If there will be maps from previous games I hope they don't make poorly executed forge remakes, that will RIP the soul out of those great maps... :/
Brings up memory of the rocket/sword boost. Think about boosting across forgeworld.
I think the system is working as it is. There will always be people that is retarded. Changing will just increase the numbers of betrayals from grenades sadly. My issue is that there seems to be no logic when a player can boot you. Sometimes you can boot the player after one betrayal that came from an accident. Other times you can get betrayed 3 times from the same player without the option of boot him. Should be something like first betrayal you get a warning, and the next you get the choice of boot the player.
What I like about Halo is that when you start a game, you know where everyone spawns and no one have any advantage except if the map provides it when game starts... Being thrown in a game you have no idea when powerweapon spawns, does any1 have any etc... Hope its just in some playlist and you will be able to choose to play with it or not...
Is there any info how the drop-in system is going to work? Is it like COD, you can be thrown in a game that ends in 1min or is it diffrent? With the drop-in system, will matches end and you have to restart de matchmaking search or is the game ongoing like COD? Enjoy!
If you search alone you have accepted to have people messing around in your team. Don't like, dont search alone. People need to learn to lose like men. Not run away like a chicken when you have a hard time. Indeed. I think if you combine both xp penalty and temp ban would make it even better. People who complain of outside interference. Three words: Fix your connection...
Ofcourse not. Just hope the system is way better then Reach. Sry bro, don't understand what you mean here. :/
Well that might work for the starting month, what about a year after relese when everyone has unlocked everything? Come on bro, you cant possible know the system is fixed by 343i cause u havent played the game... I just wanted to hear other peoples opinion on how to lower the amount of quitting people. I dont complain, I just told a fact that Halo Reach quitting system isnt working. Not an opinion... The drop in system isnt a good idea either unless it wont throw you in a game where the score isnt tied... No one wants to be thrown in a game where the other team is leading and impossible to win. Thats not fair to people that care about winning. Then quitters will get more people then those in the game punished... With this system I hope you will get an option to turn of drop in system when you search for a game. For the records, I like Halo Reach, just hope they havent changed to much in Halo 4, out of what I have seen its starting to look more like a call of duty game. Hope Im wrong thou, cause I think it will ruin the game. Especially for Halo fans... P.S Assumptions are made out of how other games I have played uses drop in system... I have said it in other posts what I think of drop in systems. I don't know about you, but lets assume you always aim for winning games... Would it be fair to be thrown in a game where you team is down by 40-10 in a game first to 50 kills? I would think that s**ks and the game will end rather quickly and you will have to search for a new game, just waste of time. :/
There are Arena that has one form of ranking system, and yes, people quit there too. There would still be people playing in the ranked playlist even if the don't care about the xp and will quit and ruin things for other gamers...