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Ms. Dazzle

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Everything posted by Ms. Dazzle

  1. I might GT toxicPrawn6655 If I get xbox live that is
  2. So I'm new got banned for a shirt period because I didn't read rules lol But I'm having a new start! Edit: Well actually I'm having a girl on her and she's just now got on. No boy ranger anymore lol New me:( well you understand) Hi I'm a friend and I'll be on his account for now since he kinda quit. Questions: Is there other girls to hangout with? How do I change my name? That's all bye
  3. I was called a troll when I wasnt but they don't know what a troll is! A troll is when something says like halo 4 Gameplay and then it just a vid of aguy in a yellow suit siniging trololololololololo Not me thinking we need a rule or me calling the shoutbix a spambox. So if you don't know to insult somebody then shut Up! Told...
  4. You see the most infected forums ever with flame wars I mean really you never bothered mentioning that in the rules. Well you should every second of the shoutbox it's a flame war!!!! You need to add it. You guys keep saying just go PM each other. That doesn't work. Listen I have my own forum that's IPS almost every forum even mine has that rule. Have a nice day
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