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  1. I can see why many people are raging about this decision, but I completely agree with it. 343 wanted to tell a story with their multiplayer, and make the spartans more than just sets of armor. That means that elites can't be playable. I do sympathize though, I love elites, especially in the Arbiter sections of Halo 2. I am glad than they are more than the cardboard cutout enemies of most games, and I hope that they stay that way.
  2. I think that, from what's been shown so far, you should be able to construct a decent close range loadout. Have primary weapon AR, secondary magnum ( to hold mid range enemies off), for armor ability thruster pack, to close the distance, and for support package shield recharge, so that you can quickly recharge after ducking behind cover in a dmr, br, or carbine duel. Just my thoughts, but from what info is avaliable thus far, this should work fairly well.
  3. The information in this video shows what I had already surmised on my own, the loadouts aren't about overpowering the players at spawn, they're about giving players more choice in their play style. Say that in Halo 3 I wanted to use a carbine, well first I have to get into a game on one of the maps which have a carbine, then I must run to the place with the carbine without getting killed, then I need to safely get to a place where I can use the carbine at mid range, its best use. Now all I have to do is spawn with it. Thank you 343 for making players like me, who don't always want to spawn with dmr, or ar, or br, or whatever the primary weapon is a choice.
  4. This post is for all of the people who say that the new changes change the equality of Halo. I personally don't think this will be true. I think the new loadout customization will more prompt people to create a playstyle which suits them. It also seems, from some of the footage released so far, that most of the customization options will be avaliable early in your multiplayer progression. And even the ones that aren't won't make much of a differance, i mean, would a noob really care about whether he has a dmr or a br? Would he prefer having the awareness package ( obviously catering to the hardcore), or the quicker shield recharge package? I personally think that you will be given options for a blunt, yet powerful loadout at first, but will later gain access to a more specialized yet powerful loadout, which suits your prefered playstyle. This isn't like COD where you can spawn with a sniper or rocket launcher. And yes, I am a fan of all of the Halo games, I even tried out Wars, crappy as it is. In conclusion I say kudos to 343 for trying something new, even if you knew that some long term Halo fans would not be pleased. Again kudos to you, and know that some hardcore Halo fans, including my friends and I, are with you all the way. See you starside.
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