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Everything posted by DeadEyez

  1. Cross McLees was born April 8th 2528 In New Alexandria on the planet of Reach, at a young age he was kidnapped from his family and replace by a flash clone who died not long after. In 2535 Cross entered the Spartan-III program un the ID tag S-328, Cross excelled in training, especially in unarmed combat, and was considered one of the best unarmed fighers in the program. During the augmentations Cross suffered masive dellusions such as seeing his family that he no longer knew killed brutaly, the doc almost pronounced him unfit for duty but te dellusions passed a few minutes after the augmentations was compete. Cross-328 was promoted to Lieutenant upon graduating training due to his outstanding leadership skills, and brutal combat style. In 2552, in New Alexandria, Cross-328 was there when it was glassed, and it hit him hard since he was born there and it made him blood thirsty for revenge. Every covenant who was passed by 328 was killed in the most brutal an bloody way. Cross managed to survive Reach and Halo, and made it to Earth just to see the covenant where there already. Just before the war ended Cross-328 was listed as MIA after his last mission to destroy a covenant mass driver, No one knows if he was killed he jumped ship with the remaining marines he had along with him, his marines jet packs worked but his didnt due to plasma damage, but when they got to where they saw him land no body was found. Cross-328 was nevr seen again, but in 2560 while a team of ODST where roaming aroud reach unnocupied by coventant now they could of sworn they spotted a man in Red MJOLNIR armor in the ruins of New Alexandria. But that was later dismissed.
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